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有重点、有步骤地扩大引进国外先进技术,推广移植引进技术成果,是加快企业技术改造,推进技术进步的重要途径,也是发展冶金工业的一项既定政策。1978年至1985年期间冶金矿山系统重点引进48项技术和设备,耗资一亿多美元。通过消化移植,取得了一批可喜的成果,在生产中发挥积极作用,缩小同技术先进国家的差距。如大型露天矿用牙轮钻机,过去靠进口,现在可以自已制造,并达到国外同类产品的水平;牙轮钻头过去也靠进口,现已形成年产一万只的生产能力,技术指标达到先进水平,不仅结束了进口的历史,还为国家换取外汇。最近冶金部领导指示要在刊物中宣传消化移植方面的成果与信息,以利于各企业、院所从中了解、选取,避免不必要的重复引进。为此,我刊从本期起开辟“消化移植”专栏,介绍冶金矿山消化移植成果重点推广项目、引进技术设备概况、有关消化引进技术的文章与信息。 There are important and step-by-step ways to expand the introduction of advanced foreign technologies and promote the introduction of technological achievements through transplanting. This is an important way to accelerate the technological transformation of enterprises and promote technological progress. It is also an established policy for the development of metallurgical industry. From 1978 to 1985, the metallurgical mining system focused on the introduction of 48 technologies and equipment, costing more than 100 million U.S. dollars. Through digestion and transplantation, a number of gratifying achievements have been made, playing an active role in production and narrowing the gap with advanced countries in technology. Such as large open-pit mine roller drills, the past by the import, can now create their own, and to the level of similar foreign products; roller cone bit in the past also by the import, has now formed an annual output of 10,000 production capacity, advanced technical indicators Level, not only the end of the history of imports, but also for the exchange of foreign exchange. Recently, the Ministry of Metallurgical leadership instructions should be in the publication of digestive transplantation in the dissemination of results and information in order to facilitate enterprises and institutions to understand, select, to avoid unnecessary duplication. To this end, I published from this issue to start a “digestion and transplants” column to introduce the results of key projects to promote the digestion and transplantation of metallurgical mines, the introduction of technical equipment profiles, articles and information on the digestion and introduction of technology.
根据相对海平面升降速率与礁生长速率之间的关系 ,生物礁可分为三种类型 :进积礁 ,并进礁 ,退积礁。据此 ,中国南方二叠纪生物礁油气系统可划分为三种成因类型 :进积型 ,并进
意大利北部一条长230米的公路隧道,跨越一双行公路的一段隧道,并有长约90米段与一条铁路隧道平行,相隔仅7~10米。该隧道掘进过程中,铁路隧道继续通行,每 A 230-meter road t