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We are proud that China is one of the biggest countries in the world with 9,600,000 km2 land areas. But the per capita farmland area of China is only about 0. 10 ha2, 0.22 ha2 less than the world per capita farmland area 0.32 ha2. With the sharp increasing of the population and rapid development of real estate, the shortage of grain supply is getting more serious. So, in 21th century, it is very important and urgent to protect limited and un-renewable farmiands for the sustainable use of farmland resources, the safety of food, the development of national economy and the stability of the society. We are proud that China is one of the biggest countries in the world with 9,600,000 km2 land areas. But the per capita farmland area of ​​China is only about 0 10 ha2, 0.22 ha2 less than the world per capita farmland area 0.32 ha2. With the sharp increasing of the population and rapid development of real estate, the shortage of grain supply is getting more serious. So, in 21th century, it is very important and urgent to protect limited and un-renewable farmiands for the sustainable use of farmland resources , the safety of food, the development of national economy and the stability of the society.
【病例】 女,38岁。右耳听力下降,外耳道溢脓2年,曾多次在外院就诊,诊断为“慢性化脓性中耳炎”、“胆脂瘤性中耳炎”,治疗效果不佳,近半月来症状加重并出现头晕、恶心、呕吐,于1998年2月10日
斗转星移,冬去春来,又是一个岁月的轮回。 我们以无比喜悦与自豪之情,端起美酒,高擎花束,向战斗在国土资源战线的广大干部、职工,向关心、支持《国土资源》杂志的各级领导、同行和
在这片土地上,有一条2公里长的贝壳梁,一个古老的传说,20只黑颈鹤,大大小小的草皮船。这些从年代、类别上毫不相干的事物,却硬是有着一种可怕的关联。 In this land, there