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子长县位于黄土高原中部、延安市北部,是民族英雄谢子长的故乡,万里长征的落脚地和红军东征的出发点,土地革命后期曾为中共中央所在地,建国后定为革命老根据地之一,先后有9名子长籍军人被授予少将以上军衔,素有“将军县”之美誉。 Zichang County is located in the middle of the Loess Plateau and the northern part of Yan’an City. It is the hometown of national hero Xie Zichang, the starting point of the Long March and the starting point of the Red Army’s Eastern Expedition. The late Agrarian Revolution was the seat of the CPC Central Committee and was established as one of the old revolutionary bases after the founding of the People’s Republic. There have been nine sub-long-term military service was awarded the rank of major general, known as “General County ” reputation.
Selective Ig M deficiency(s IGMD)is very rare;it may be associated with celiac disease(CD).We present the case of an 18-year-old man with s IGMD masking seroneg
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While diverticular disease is extremely common, the natural history(NH) of its most frequent presentation(i.e., sigmoid diverticulitis) is poorly investigated.