
来源 :数学大世界(初中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SHIWENBEI
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英国著名物理学家牛顿说过:“没有大胆而放肆的猜想,就不可能有伟大发现.”数学家教育家G.波利亚也指出:“要成为一个好的数学家……你必须首先是一个好的猜想家.”这两句至理名言道出猜想的重要性.更令人值得欣慰的是最近几年中考命题在这方面进行了有益而大胆探索改革,为推动素质教育,培养学生创新能力,指导教学改革起到良好导向作用.1.“归纳猜想”所谓“归纳猜想”就是当一个问题涉及相当多的乃至无穷多的情形时,可从问题的简单情形或特殊情况入手,通过简单的情形或特殊情形的试验从中发现一般规 Newton, a famous British physicist, said: “There can be no great discovery without bold and presumptuous conjectures.” The mathematician educator G. Polia also pointed out: “To be a good mathematician ... You must first be a good conjecture. ”These two words of truth make the conjecture important, and what is even more gratifying is that in recent years the senior middle school exams have conducted a useful and bold exploration of reforms in this regard. In order to promote quality education , Cultivate students’ ability to innovate, and guide the reform of teaching play a good role in guiding.1 The “inductive conjecture ” so-called “inductive conjecture ” is that when a problem involves a considerable or even infinite number of cases, from the simple question Situation or special circumstances to start with, through simple or special circumstances of the experiment to find the general rules
我国苹果树形改造期间存在树形改造力度、主枝结构、枝组培养密度和长度、果园群体密度等问题。我们提出了解决上述问题的方法和技术思路。 During the process of apple tr
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对德国大众汽车公赠送的1.9L TDI四缸电控轿车柴油机进行了初步研究。利用台架的测试设备,测量了发动机的扭矩、功率、油耗等基本参数;利用随机附带的故障诊断仪,对管理系统的标
同学们在学习整式乘除时,往往犯以下错误,现举例逐一剖析,以供同学们参考. When students study integral multiplication and division, they often make the following mi