Effect of lentivirus-mediated integrin αVβ3-sh RNA on tumor growth of mice with lung cancer xenograf

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:penghong97
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Objective: To study the effect of lentivirus-mediated integrin αVβ3-sh RNA on tumor growth of mice with lung cancer xenograft. Methods: Lung cancer tissue, paracancer tissue and normal tissue were collected and integrin αVβ3 expression was detected; BALB/c nude mice were selected, divided into integrin αVβ3 knockdown group(KD group) and negative control group(NC group), and inoculated with cells stably infected by integrin αVβ3-sh RNA lentivirus and cells stably infected by negative control-sh RNA lentivirus respectively, the growth of tumor tissue was continuously observed, and the number of apoptosis cells as well as the expression of angiogenesis, apoptosis and invasion genes in tumor tissue were detected. Results: m RNA content and protein content of integrin αVβ3 in lung cancer tissue were significantly higher than those in paracancer tissue and normal tissue; increasing trend of tumor tissue volume of KD group was weaker than that of NC group, and tumor volume at various points in time of KD group was lower than that of NC group; m RNA contents and protein contents of VEGF, FGF, EGF, Bcl-2, MMP-9, MMP-12 and MMP-13 in tumor tissue of KD group were lower than those of NC group, and apoptosis index as well as m RNA content and protein content of Bax were higher than those of NC group. Conclusions: The expression of integrin αVβ3 increases in lung cancer tissue, and lentivirus-mediated integrin αVβ3-sh RNA can inhibit tumor growth of mice with lung cancer xenografts. Objective: To study the effect of lentivirus-mediated integrin αVβ3-sh RNA on tumor growth of mice with lung cancer xenograft. Methods: Lung cancer tissue, paracancer tissue and normal tissue were collected and integrin αVβ3 expression was detected; BALB / c nude mice were selected, divided into integrin αVβ3 knockdown group (KD group) and negative control group (NC group), and inoculated with cells stably infected by integrin αVβ3-sh RNA lentivirus and cells stably infected by negative control-sh RNA lentivirus respectively, the growth of tumor tissue was continuously observed, and the number of apoptosis cells as well as the expression of angiogenesis, apoptosis and invasion genes in tumor tissue were detected. Results: m RNA content and protein content of integrin αVβ3 in lung cancer tissue were significantly higher than those in paracancer tissue and normal tissue; increasing trend of tumor tissue volume of KD group was weaker than that of NC group, and tumor volume at variou s points in time of KD group was lower than that of NC group; m RNA contents and protein contents of VEGF, FGF, EGF, Bcl-2, MMP-9, MMP-12 and MMP-13 in tumor tissue of KD group were lower than those of NC group, and apoptosis index as well as m RNA content and protein content of Bax were higher than those of NC group. Conclusions: The expression of integrin αVβ3 increases in lung cancer tissue, and lentivirus-mediated integrin αVβ3-sh RNA can inhibit tumor growth of mice with lung cancer xenografts.
2001年5至8月,湖北随州市曾都区农民不断投书或电告随州日报:“感谢党报牵线搭桥,传递信息,为农民解决了大难题……” 曾都区政府领导也专门撰写文章,称赞“随州日报刊登的菜豌豆系列报
数学新课标指出:只有培养了能力,发展了智力,学生才能更好地理解和掌握教学的基础知识,并且能够灵活运用。让学生在学习实践中,实现对所学知识的再发现、再感受,实现学生思维品质的提升,从而使学生学会学习,培养学生的综合学习能力。如何在数学教学中培养小学生的学习能力呢? 下面就结合教学实际浅谈我的体会。  一、培养学生的逻辑思维能力  培养学生初步的逻辑思维能力就是培养学生能进行初步的抽象、概括、比较、分
【摘要】对小学生进行诚信教育及其良好行为习惯的培养是小学德育中的一个重要任务。本研究立足于学校教育与家庭教育、社会教育相结合,从培养良好行为习惯入手,探究少年儿童良好行为习惯的养成与诚信意识培养的关系;帮助学生树立守信为荣,失信可耻的道德观念;提高学生守信的自觉性,让每个学生都能以诚信自律,促进学生健全人格的发展。  【关键词】诚信 小学生道德教育 渗透 有效途径  一、问题的提出  一切良好道德
[摘 要]英语写作是英语综合语言能力的重要体现,在英语教学中占有重要的位置。英语写作也是学生们最头疼的问题。针对学生英语写作中出现的各种问题,笔者认为可以从教师英语教学观的改变和科学有效教学方 法这两方面下手,有效地提高学生英语写作水平。  [关键词]英语写作; 教学观 ; 教学方法  英语书面表达能力是体现英语应用能力的一个重要方面,它能够比较客观地反映学生英语综合素质和语言应用的能力。在平时写