
来源 :内蒙古农业大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiongyongdezhanghao
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译文读者作为翻译活动中一个不可缺少的主体,其文化背景、接受能力的差异会对翻译策略造成直接影响。本文以奈达的读者反应理论为基础,试论译文读者在现代散文汉英翻译活动中的地位与作用,认为好的翻译应该充分考虑到译文读者的反应,并从读者的角度调整翻译策略,这样才能通过译文真正实现文化信息的传递与交融。 As an indispensable subject in translation activities, readers of translation translations have a direct influence on translation strategies due to their differences in cultural background and acceptability. Based on the readers’ reaction theory of Nida, this essay tries to discuss the status and function of target readers in the translation activities of Chinese and English in modern prose. He believes that a good translator should take full account of the reaction of the target readers and adjust the translation strategy from the perspective of readers. In this way, we can truly achieve the transmission and blending of cultural information through translation.
龙胆泻肝颗粒处方来源于《太平惠民和剂局方》中之经典方剂龙胆泻肝汤 ,由龙胆、栀子、泽泻、黄芩等药味组成 ,具有清肝胆、利湿热之功效 ,用于临床所见的肝胆湿热、头晕目赤
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华越之文化交流之轨迹,可以追溯到上古时代。《尚书·尧典》:“申命羲叔,宅南交。”《尚书》:“尧南抚交阯,……交阯之南有越裳国。” The cultural exchange between China
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概 论 社会福利的主要作用是解决社会问题或满足社会上不同人士的一般或特殊需要。然而社会问题的出现又有它不同的政治、经济、文化、社会甚至历史的背景。另一方面,如何界