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华越之文化交流之轨迹,可以追溯到上古时代。《尚书·尧典》:“申命羲叔,宅南交。”《尚书》:“尧南抚交阯,……交阯之南有越裳国。” The cultural exchange between China and Vietnam can be traced back to the ancient times. “Shang Shu Yao Dian”: “Shen Shu Xi, South House pay.” “Book”: “Yao Nan Fu address, ... ... the intersection of the South there Vietnam clothes country.”
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Discrete noise source suppression in underwa-ter acoustic channel has attracted great attention in recent years. The paper proposes a new principle for dealing
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The Shilu Fe-polymetallic ore deposit,a famous hematite-rich Fe-ore deposit,is situated at the western Hainan Province of south China.The deposit characterizes
1=D号女声独唱。翼胥6 56{}{Q.…§j……(5·5 5 5』6 5 6 1 f 1 一 l 1 _ J 3 1 3 1 I 1 2{6 5n—f 5.5 5 5 f 6 5 6 j f毒n一5 - l 5 一 f 5·5 5 5 J 6 5 6 1『唯3 一 J 3
龙胆泻肝颗粒处方来源于《太平惠民和剂局方》中之经典方剂龙胆泻肝汤 ,由龙胆、栀子、泽泻、黄芩等药味组成 ,具有清肝胆、利湿热之功效 ,用于临床所见的肝胆湿热、头晕目赤
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.