Transit—Oriented Development and sustainable travel pattern

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  Rapid economic growth continues to attract large numbers of people to urban areas. Small automobiles have become a staple property for ordinary families, resulting in more traffic jams and severe pollution in many urban areas. The number of daily trips using private cars in urban areas was 3.5 billion in 2005. This is expected to rise by 80% in 2025, to 6.2 private daily trips (Pourbaix, 2011).
  Petroleum consumption and GHG emissions will also increase by 30 percent at current rates, and a similar growth in traffic fatalities can be expected (Cervero, 2013). As an alternative, public transport can not only can reduce traffic in urban areas but can also preserve energy and is conductive to the reasonable use of urban land (Chen and Liu, 2001)Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) refers to the reasonable or higher density redevelopment of land in the vicinity of main public transportation stations.
  The completion of TOD traffic networks has significantly influenced residents’ travel habits. High availability of regional public transportation services will encourage people to travel by bus, therefore reducing the need for small automobiles (Arrington and Cervero, 2008). One reason for TOD’s expansion during early stages is the policies of local governments, namely the municipal government buying land at a low price in order to provide space for infrastructure and services. Developers are then charged higher prices to rent the land, which becomes an effective way for municipal governments to create income (Gakenheimer and Yang, 2006).
  Some scholars have argued that public transportation services are conductive to increased consumption in the vicinity of stations or stops (Thompson and Matoff, 2000). However, data suggests that people using small private cars are more likely to go shopping in the vicinity of TOD stations and stops. One possible explanation for this is that their incomes are higher and there is only a short distance between the shopping centers and the nearest metro stations (Zhao et al., 2016). However, other studies indicate that high volumes of public traffic may make it more convenient for people who need to travel long distances, which then lowers the likelihood of increased residential shopping in TOD areas (Cervero, 2006)
  TOD development, however, is not without its challenges. One key example of this can be seen when looking at suburban Chine, where transit investment and urban development is happening at different rates. Because of this, much of the urban development has not been linked up with the railway expansion (Zhang, 2007).   TOD has been successful in some cities and cosmopolitan areas in Asia. Heavy usage of cheap rail transit helps reduce demand for and use of private cars (Richard, 2012). Furthermore, TOD has helped Columbia increase international competitiveness, attract substantial investment and create thousands of new jobs (Cervero and Murakami, 2009). In order to continue to successfully, singular residential development should be avoided so that recouping investment during the process of land development is done in a sustainable manner. A mixture of usages of the lands should be ensured and land development relating to employment, such as offices and other commercial buildings should be included to facilitating the creation of local jobs. This would create balanced environments and stable price levels in the vicinity of TOD stations, meeting a wide variety of different demands, and encouraging residents to consume near TODs (Zhao et al., 2016). When conceptualized as part of a strategic regional planning effort, international experience suggests that an integrated network of TOCs can help to create a ‘‘Transit Metropolis’’, arguably the most sustainable urbanization format in the world’s megacities (Cervero, 1998).
【摘要】英语书面表达一直是高中英语的教学重点,更是教学难点。笔者结合自身多年教学经历,浅谈如何提升学生英语的书面表达能力。  【关键词】英语;书面表达;提高策略  在现在高考英语的考试中,书面表达仍是不少学生最薄弱的环节,相当一部分学生提笔无话可写或一写就错,严重影响了中学英语素质教育的发展。  因此,作为英语教师要重视书面表达,下面笔者就自己的教学实践谈谈提高学生“书面表达”能力的几点做法英语是
【摘要】读写结合是一种有效的初中英语教学方法,将阅读教学与写作教学结合起来,既能提高学生的阅读能力,又能提高学生的写作能力,还能通过阅读促进写作,使学生的英语综合能力得到提升。本文以初中英语仁爱版七下教材为例,对初中英语读写教学中常见的误区进行分析,并通过多媒体教学,利用信息技术,采用读写结合,以读促写的方式培养初中生英语读写能力的策略进行探讨。  【关键词】读写结合;以读促写;初中英语;写作能力
【Abstract】The thesis is based on a translation practice of one chapter of Introducing Translation Studies Theories and Applications by Jeremy Munday. Through the analysis of the translation, five basi
【摘要】医院专业中涉及到很多专业英语,专业英语的开设可以帮助学生掌握一些医学的前沿技术。英语老师要改变传统的教学模式,对教学方法进行创新。本文分析语学院英语教学的现状,针对现状提出英语教学的对策,使医学院的英语教学更加具有针对性,完善词汇教学、阅读教学等,从而提升学生对医学专业英语的理解。  【关键词】医学院;英语教学;创新  【作者简介】李海燕,海南医学院外语部。  在医学院中,应该在教学中要使
【摘要】小学阶段的英语课程教学担负着培养学生基本素养的使命,学习通过学习英语课程,形成初步的英语语感,打好语言、语调基础,最终使学生具备初步的英语应用能力和交流能力。  【关键词】新课改;小学英语;阅读教学;途径  前言  阅读教学是在教师的指导下,学生与文本之间的对话,以达到学生与文本进行情感交流的一种教学手段。阅读教学强调教师在教学中的指导作用,即在教学过程中,教师需适当地引导学生,给予学生恰
【摘要】在小学英语教学过程中,实施行之有效的“主题式”教学,对于帮助学生快速掌握知识,高效完成知识总结、实现知识应用具有非常重要的作用。与普通任务驱动式教学有所不同的是,“主题式”教学是根据既定的教学内容,基于已有的英语知识,围绕主题展开教学,对于提高小学生英语的实际应用能力具有鲜明的意义。  【关键词】小学英语;“主题式”教学;教学策略  目前在小学英语教学过程中,很多教师虽然通晓“主题式”教学
【摘要】思维导图,实际上是在用分割知识框架的方式来帮助我们理解并且记住信息。将思维导图的方法运用在词汇教学中,能够帮助学生将零散的词汇连成一个词块,不仅提高记忆词汇的效率,而且也大大增强学生学习英语的兴趣。  【 关键词】思维导图;词汇教学;词汇记忆;效率  一、思维导图与词汇教学的关系  1.什么是思维导图?思维导图,是由英国心理学家Tony Buzan 在20世纪60年代发明的一种可以帮助学习
【摘要】微课是一种不可多得的便利化教学手段,它利用如今信息技术高速发展的优势,将教学与科技结合在了一起,为广大师生带来了福音。对于我国来说,微课仍是一种新生事物,需要广大教师去钻研,微课教学方法还需要进一步趋于完善。本文就将站在小学英语教学的角度,谈一谈微课的应用。  【关键词】“微课”;小学;英语教学  【作者简介】刘倩,浙江省衢州市开化县华埠镇中心小学。  相信很多一线教师都或多或少积累了一定