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我面对谢天赐的水墨荷花系列作品仔细欣赏,恍若盘桓在月下莲塘,如沐倩影荷风,心旷神怡…… 显而易见,谢天赐的水墨荷花系列画,系属大写意一派。 一 知黑守白,笔墨淋漓 展卷披阅,但见满纸黑墨、焦墨、枯墨、浓墨、淡墨、积墨、破墨、泼墨……堪称“元气淋漓幛犹湿”矣。其墨浓处,乌黑如漆,其墨淡处,则轻淡如烟。 然而,细细揣摩,你会发现此乃画家“意匠惨淡经营中”:在满幅水墨氤氲之中,却精心安排了一些小小的“空白”,变传统的“知白守黑”为“知黑守白”,这样一来,顿时满纸皆活了,在“墨海中立定精神”,使“混沌里放出光明”。这正暗合了古人的那句名言:“疏可走马,密不透风”矣! 譬如《听雨》一画,画家在画上端的左、右角,以泼墨扫出浓黑的荷叶;中部则从上至下端、从右向左下端,以枯笔勾出三两片低垂的残叶,并以淡墨破之;三片残叶下端的空隙处,则以意笔补写了一浓一淡两只黄嘴黑水鸟;右上浓淡荷叶交叉处,则勾勒了半朵荷花,仅在右下角留下窄窄一条空白。 哦,好一幅“留得残荷听雨声”的《雨荷图》! I face Xie Tianci ink lotus series of works carefully admired, reminding us of scenes of lingering lotus pond in the moon, such as Mu Qian Ying Dutch wind, relaxed and happy ... ... Clearly, thank God’s ink lotus series painting, is a freehand brushwork. I know black and white, pen dripping scroll wrapped reading, but see the full paper black ink, coke ink, dry ink, thick ink, light ink, plot ink, broken ink, ink ... ... called “vitality rain still wet” carry on. The ink thick, dark as paint, the ink pale, then light like smoke. However, you may find it painstakingly painstakingly painstakingly painstakingly planned: among the full-length ink and wash paintings, we have carefully arranged some small “blank spaces” and changed the traditional “knowing and defending the black” to “ Know black and white ”, this way, immediately filled with paper are alive,“ Mo Hai neutral spirit ”so that“ chaos in the release of light. ” For example, “listening to the rain,” a painting, the artist draws the upper left corner of the right corner, with an ink sweep out the dark lotus leaf; the central is From the top to the bottom, from right to left the lower end of the pen to hook two or three drooping leaves, and broken with a light ink; three leaves at the bottom of the gap at the pen intended to write a thick A light two yellow-billed black waterfowl; the upper right shade of lotus leaf at the cross, then outlined half a lotus, leaving only a narrow bottom right corner of a blank. Oh, a good “Let the remnants of listening to rain,” the “rain map!”
一种新形式的调频广播正在开始运用。这种广播将改善立体声接收效果,并能扩大每个广播台的服务范围。美国目前大约有50 A new form of FM radio is starting to be impleme