
来源 :文艺争鸣 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:elsie0709
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由于艺术作品具备揭示人性的创造状态、精神的历史形态、被压抑扭曲的肉身和自然的独特能力,因而文化艺术成为了荣辱、理想和信仰的一种表现方式。近年来,中国艺术家介入国际文化资讯背景,学会了在地缘政治关系中如何以中国方式出场并取得成功,中国文化符号特别是政治文化符号被广泛 Since the work of art has the creative state of revealing human nature, the historical form of the spirit, the unique ability of the body and the nature to be suppressed and distorted, the arts and culture have become a manifestation of honor and disgrace, ideals and beliefs. In recent years, Chinese artists have intervened in the background of international cultural information, learned how to play and succeed in the geopolitical relations in China, and Chinese cultural symbols, especially political and cultural symbols, are widely used
医院精神:克服困难的法宝 新乡市中心医院有着光荣的革命传统,几十年来,“省三院”这个名字享誉豫北地区,广大职工勤俭建院、爱院如家,珍惜医院的荣誉。“三院人”精神成为
A What’s On?Electric Underground7.30pm—1.00am Free at the Cyclops Theatre Do you know who’s playing in your area?We’re bringing you an exciting evening of l
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创新人才培养的大背景下,新建本科院校戏剧影视文学专业要从人才培养计划、教学改革等五个方面切实着手,构建自己的创新人才培养模式,才能培养出高素质人才。 Under the bac
炙甘草汤是古典名方 ,现临床用于治疗心律失常。本文用标准微电极技术观察离体豚鼠乳头肌动作电位的变化 ,研究炙甘草汤及有效成分抗组胺触发活动作用。炙甘草汤 (4 0mg ml)
成都外西王建墓的寝台基壁上有一浮雕,刻着口含树叶吹奏的人。唐代史籍把吹叶为乐称为「啸叶」。《旧唐书·音乐志》记载:衔而叶啸,其声清震」。唐代大诗人白居易 There is
A I was raised in New York City where I saw the homeless shivering from cold every winter.In the sixth grade,a teacher offered 1(bring)some students to a homele