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151—24级动叶片是我国目前汽轮机制造中最大的一级叶片。其总长约819毫米(包括叶根和定位);宽约150毫米;净重11.2公斤。在制造第一台151汽轮机时,该叶片是用方钢加工而成。方钢尺寸为175×115×835毫米;重量135公斤;材料利用率极低,只有9.2%。通过第一台试制,一致认为有必要采用模锻叶片,以减少加工工时,节约材料。在厂革委会支持和车间革委会领导下,经过全厂十一个车间的协助,仅用七个月时间就将锻模和夹 151-24-stage moving blades are the largest turbine blades in China. The total length of about 819 mm (including the root and positioning of leaves); width of 150 mm; net weight of 11.2 kg. In the manufacture of the first 151 steam turbine, the blades were machined from square steel. Square steel dimensions of 175 × 115 × 835 mm; weight of 135 kg; material utilization is very low, only 9.2%. Through the first trial, it was agreed that it is necessary to use die forging blades to reduce the processing time and save materials. Under the leadership of Plant Revolutionary Committee and the Workshop Revolutionary Committee, with the assistance of eleven workshops of the whole plant, the die and clamps
Long-acting glucagon-like peptide-1(GLP-1) analogues marketed for type 2 diabetes(T2D) treatment have been showing positive and protective effects in several di
第三届地面沉降国际讨论会(The third international symposium on land subsidence)于今年3月在意大利的威尼斯城召开。这次会议由联合国科教文组织(UNESCO)国际水文学会(I
Regional progress gains speed with gaming industry as its fuel 0ver the 10 years since Macao’s return to the People’s Republic of China in 1999, the former Po
三维层状介质的高精度反演法 (Highly Accurate Inversion Methodsfor Three-Dimensional StratifiedMedia)Mourad Lahlou,Jack K.Cohen,and Nor-man Bleistein,University
1980年笔者参加西藏某地工作,处理人工重砂时发现,该地石炭二迭纪斜长角闪片岩层富含金红石. 斜长角闪石片岩与石榴石黑云母片岩、十字石蓝晶石片岩互层,沿走向呈透镜状分布