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本研究尝试以干预的方法--团队内训来提高团队效能,以了解对团队效能进行干预的作用机制和实验条件,并对团队效能的实验研究和量表修订做有益的探索。团队内训是指由团队领导受训后担任培训者对所属团队内的成员进行培训,本研究的团队特指各连锁门店的小规模团队(2-16人)。团队外训是指多个门店团队的所有成员集合在一起接受培训,即普通的全员培训。通过对80个连锁门店的团队的分组干预实验,比较两组所有团队成员(包括团队领导)前后测的团队效能得分之差,得到团队内训比团队外训(即全员培训)更能提高团队效能的实验结果。同时,实验中翻译英文原版量表,修订了适合中国人使用的团队效能量表。本研究是对团队效能的有效干预措施的探索性研究,其社会应用意义是对提高工作团队的团队效能提供了更低成本、更高效果的培训方案及干预方法,其研究意义在于为团队效能的预测和控制进行了实证研究,并探索出一种有效的干预手段,修订和验证了团队效能的有效测量工具。 This study attempts to improve the effectiveness of the team by means of intervention--team introspection, to understand the mechanism and experimental conditions for the intervention of team effectiveness, and to do a useful exploration of experimental research on team effectiveness and revision of the scale. Team introductory refers to the training of team leaders to train the members of the team. The team of the study specifically refers to the small-scale teams (2-16 people) of each chain store. Team training refers to all the members of a multi-store team teamed together to receive training, that is, ordinary full-time training. Through the group intervention experiment of 80 chain stores, the difference between the team effectiveness scores measured before and after the two team members (including the team leader) was compared, and the team internal training was more improved than the team external training (ie, full training). Experimental results of team effectiveness. At the same time, the English original scale was translated in the experiment, and the team effectiveness scale suitable for Chinese use was revised. This research is an exploratory study of effective intervention measures for team effectiveness. Its social application significance is to provide training programs and intervention methods that can improve team effectiveness of work teams at a lower cost and with higher efficiency. Its research significance lies in team effectiveness. The empirical research was conducted on the prediction and control, and an effective intervention method was explored, and an effective measurement tool for team effectiveness was revised and verified.
文章从乡村教育目的、乡村教育实施者(教师)、教学做合一这三方面介绍了陶行知的乡村教育思想,并提出了对我国当前农村职业教育的启示。 The article introduces Tao Xingzh