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由于园林绿化的需求不断膨胀,应季绿化已经无法满足现代园林发展的需求。反季节绿化开始成为普遍现象。法桐由于其绿化美化效果明显,在反季节绿化中应用普遍。反季节绿化要求修剪量较大,而法桐又是很耐修剪,发芽力与成枝力均极强的速生树种。因此在反季节修剪中去除整冠或只保留部分主枝基部的重修剪屡见不鲜。由于经过重修剪再运输的的法桐,降低了运输、装卸、栽植难度,降低了运输成本,提高了运输效率。因此法桐无论任何一个季节栽 Due to the growing demand for landscaping, seasonal greening can no longer meet the needs of the development of modern gardens. Anti-season greening has become a common phenomenon. Fatong due to its greening effect is obvious, in the anti-season greening widely used. Anti-season greening requires a large amount of pruning, and Fatong is very resistant to pruning, germination and branching force are extremely fast growing species. Therefore, it is not uncommon for heavy pruning to remove the entire crown or to retain only part of the main branch base in the season-cutting. Due to heavy pruning and then transported Fatong, reducing the transport, loading and unloading, planting difficulty, reduce transport costs and improve transport efficiency. Fat law no matter what season planted
Lithic (or gravel) composition analyses of the Jurassic Sanjianpu Formation and Fenghuangtai Formation in the Hefei basin show that the sediment provenance con
同志们: 我们海河流域防洪工作研讨会现在开幕了! 这次会议是我委建立以来,专门研究流域防洪工作、交流防洪经验的第一次会议。召开这次防洪工作研讨会,是于去年10月中旬在
Chlorine-36 has various advantages as a dating tool for old groundwater. In this paper, 36CI of Quaternary groundwater in the Hebei plain of North China has bee
本文结合小型水电站的实例,具体分析了三角皮带间接传动的优缺点,论证了这种传动形式在小水电建设中推广应用的价值。 Based on the examples of small hydropower station,