
来源 :汉语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:clubshe
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本文从宏观角度回顾和总结了 2 0世纪汉语语法学的主要历史贡献 ,尤其对近 2 0年的汉语语法研究成就从研究领域的拓展、描写和解释的并进、理论和应用的并重等角度进行了高度的概括。指出 2 0世纪是汉语语法学建立、成长和壮大的一个世纪。认为汉语语法学在成长过程中深受国外 (主要是西方国家 )语法学说 (包括传统语法学、结构主义语法学、转换生成语法学以及功能主义语法学等 )的影响 ;但也指出在借鉴国外语法学说结合汉语语法实际进行研究时 ,我国学者在语法研究的理论和方法上有不少自己的发展和独立的创造。还展望了 2 1世纪汉语语法研究的美好前景 ,认为在理论上和实践上必将取得更大的突破和发展 This paper reviews and summarizes the main historical contributions of Chinese grammar in the 20th century. Especially in the past 20 years, the achievements in Chinese grammar research are expanded from the fields of research, the combination of description and interpretation, the equalization of theories and applications A high degree of generalization. It points out that the 20th century is a century in which Chinese grammar has been established, developed and expanded. It is believed that Chinese grammar is greatly influenced by grammatical theories (including traditional grammar, structural grammar, conversion grammar and functional grammar) in foreign countries (mainly western countries) during the process of its development. However, Grammatical theory combined with the actual study of Chinese grammar, Chinese scholars in the theory and methodology of grammar has its own development and independent creation. It also looks forward to the bright future of Chinese grammar research in the 21st century and holds that greater breakthroughs and development are sure to be made in theory and in practice
(In Anna’s bedroom)Louis: Mother, mother, our luggage is allloaded. We’ll be late for the boat.Anna: Yes, Louis. I’m coming.(Lady Chang and the Crown Prince
虽然说干啥都不容易,可端戏剧这碗饭更加 不容易。“唱做念打”、“手眼身法步”,哪一样不学个十年八年?我从12岁进湖北省戏曲学校学戏,毕业后在湖北省京剧院一呆就是几十年,学着老
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