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长期以来.语文教师在“精批细改”学生作文方面付出了巨大劳动而收效甚微.经老师精心批改后的学生作文,从思想内容到写作技巧,从字、词、句到标点符号,无不篇篇见红.可是学生拿到作文本,往往只看分数或批语就束之高阁.根本不去考虑老师如此批改的道理.学生一篇篇地写,教师一篇篇地批,学生作文水平却并无多大提高,对写作反失去了兴趣,教师也把评改作文看成是沉重的负担.怎样才能把作文批改从收效不大变为有效劳动呢?本人从1985年起,针对两届学生的实际情况,采用不同形式指导学生进行相互评改作文的尝试,受到了绝大多数学生的欢迎,学生的写作能力普遍得到了提高. For a long time, language teachers have done a great deal of work to “complicate and fine-tune” student writing and have had little success. The students’ composition after careful correction by the teacher ranges from thought content to writing skills, from words, words and sentences to punctuation marks. All articles are written in red. However, when students get a copy of the text, they often look at scores or comments and put it on the shelf. They simply do not consider the reason why the teacher has made such corrections. The students wrote a piece of paper, the teacher wrote a piece of paper, and the student composition level was There has been no great improvement and there has been a loss of interest in writing. Teachers have also regarded the review of essays as a heavy burden. How can we change the composition of written composition from effective to ineffective? I have been working for two students since 1985. The actual situation, the use of different forms to guide students to try and evaluate the composition of each other, was welcomed by the vast majority of students, students’ writing ability has generally been improved.
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