
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(胃肠病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:swei830807
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Objective. The nuclear factor(NF)-κB is one of the pivotal regulators of autoimmunity and inflammation, which has been shown to be activated in the inflamed mucosa of patients with celiac disease(CD). Recently, in the NFKB1 gene promoter region, a common insertion/deletion(-94ins/ delATTG) polymorphism located between two putative key promoter regulatory elements was described. The aim of this study was to investigate the contribution of the -94ins/ delATTG NFKB1 gene promoter functional variant to CD genetic predisposition. Material and methods. A case-control cohort comprising 478 patients with CD and 711 healthy controls as well as a panel of 196 celiac families was genotyped for the 94ins/delATTG NFKB1 polymorphism, using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method combined with fluorescence technology. Results. We found no statistically significant differences between CD patients and controls when the -94ins/delATTG genotype and allele distributions were compared. Accordingly, the familial analysis did not reach statistically significant deviation in the transmission of -94ins/delATTG alleles to the affected offspring. Conclusions. From these results, it could be suggested that the -94ins/delATTG NFKB1 polymorphism does not play a major role in CD susceptibility. Objectives. The nuclear factor (NF) -κB is one of the pivotal regulators of autoimmunity and inflammation, which has been shown to be activated in the inflamed mucosa of patients with celiac disease (CD). Recently, in the NFKB1 gene promoter region, a common insertion / deletion (-94ins / delATTG) polymorphism located between two putative key promoter regulatory elements was described. The aim of this study was to investigate the contribution of the -94ins / delATTG NFKB1 gene promoter functional variant to CD genetic predisposition. and methods. A case-control cohort comprising 478 patients with CD and 711 healthy controls as well as a panel of 196 celiac families was genotyped for the 94ins / delATTG NFKB1 polymorphism, using a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method combined with fluorescence technology. Results. We found no statistically significant differences between CD patients and controls when the -94ins / delATTG genotype and allele distributions were compared. amilial analysis did not reach statistically significant deviation in the transmission of -94ins / delATTG alleles to the affected offspring. Conclusions. From these results, it could be suggested that the -94ins / delATTG NFKB1 polymorphism does not play a major role in CD susceptibility.
摘 要  随着新课程改革的深入发展,对于各学科的教学工作都提出了新的要求。对于小学数学教学而言,教学目标已经不再局限于数学知识的传递,更在于学生数学学习能力的养成以及数学意识的形成。在这个过程中,对于学生的的综合素质的要求不断提高,学生在学习数学的过程中,不仅要具有基本的知识储备,还要存在质疑能力,能够将对数学的学习理解,内化为自身的知识。  【关键词】提问能力;质疑精神;小学数学教学  小学阶段
PURPOSE: Small-volume bowel preparation is better tolerated than 4-liter polyethylene glycol lavage. However, the efficacy of various small-volume bowel prepara
外国军事专家们认为,大型水面舰艇仍旧很难防御导弹的攻击。为此,目前美国正试验采用AIM-54“不死鸟”空空导弹和AN/AWG-9火控站,此火控系统装备F-14“雄猫”歼击机。 RIM-5
摘要:数学创新意识主要是指学生对自然界和社会中的数学现象具有好奇心,不断追求新知,独立思考,会从数学的角度发现和提出问题,加以探索和研究。在实践教学中,我们利用引导学生发现式学习、鼓励学生敢于探索、加强数学应用的教学、加强数学原理的验证、推广等措施来培养提升学生的创新思维。  关键词:创新思维;培养途径  中图分类号:G633.6文献标识码:A 文章编号:1992-7711(2015)21-042