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在钢琴这一技术密集型的西洋乐器市场上,珠江钢琴登上了全球老大的宝座.“,”Tong Zhicheng, the chairman of the Zhujiang Piano Group and aged 62, hopes to finish two important things before his retirement. One thing is to acquire a piano factory in St. Petersburg. Russia, since the transportation cost of pianos is very high. If a production base can be set up in St. Petersburg, the transportation problem for the European market can be solved. More important, Russia is a big producer of much needed while pine wood for grand pianos. The other is to invite the world top pianists to Guangzhou to play world famous tunes on Zhujiang pianos. These masters' opinions on the pianos will help the group to improve the quality of their products and to approach the world top level more closely. Several years ago. Tong Zhicheng dared not to have such “luxurious” ideas. But now he is quite confident that the group has the power to do it. In 2004, the Zhujiang Group shipped 77,000 pi- anos and continued to be the No.1 producer in the world piano market. It holds one-fifth of the world shipment and its domestic market share is 40%. It looks simple, but a piano has over 8.800 parts and needs more than 300 processes and 208 hours to finish it. The quality of a piano is determined by pianist hand feels and timbre. A piano is a technique-intensified west-style music instrument, traditionally Europeans monopoly the technique and the market. German produce pianos for over 400 years, however, the Zhujiang Piano Group only has a history of 40 years. How does it climb the throne of the world piano market?
1979年当中国和世界正在懵懂对望的时候,最早打破冷战坚冰到东欧演奏的著名小提琴大师美国人艾萨克?斯特恩(lssac Stern),又率先带着他的家人来到满大街还挂着列宁和斯大林巨
中国所有软件企业的偶像都是美 国的比尔·盖茨,却从未留意 过中国是否具备比尔·盖茨 成功的土壤。在我们一味地强调中国的 低成本、高素质的软件人才优势的时 候,却往往回