
来源 :数学教学通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lavina0526
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1.问:小学的自然数、分数与有理数中的正数有何异同? 答:小学自然数、分数就是有理数中的正数。不进入有理数时,它们本身可独立存在,无所谓“正、负”。当进入有理数后,情况发生了变化,对应负数它们就叫“正数”,并且前面可添上“+”,来强调它的“正”。不添“+”它也是正数。有理数中的正数就是小学的自然数、分数。小明不上学时,无所谓学生不学生。上学后就是学生,随情况而有所变化。为强调小明是学生,胸前可带上校章。此时小明不戴校章也是学生。学校中的学生小明就是家中的小明。“小学的数‘上了’初中就成了正数”。 2.问:怎样进行正、负数的加法运算? 答:正数既然就是小学的自然数、分数,那么两个正数相加就是小学的自然或分数的相加,这是我们已经会做的。 1. Q: What are the similarities and differences between the natural numbers and scores in primary schools and the positive numbers in rational numbers? A: The natural numbers and scores in primary schools are positive numbers in rational numbers. When they do not enter rational numbers, they themselves can exist independently. There is no such thing as “positive or negative.” After entering the rational numbers, the situation has changed. Corresponding to negative numbers, they are called “positive numbers”, and they can be preceded by “+” to emphasize its “positive”. Do not add “+” It is also positive. The positive number in rational numbers is the natural number and score of primary school. When Xiao Ming does not go to school, it does not matter if the student is not a student. After school, it is a student and changes with the situation. To emphasize that Xiaoming is a student, he can bring a school cap on his chest. At this point, Xiao Ming does not wear school badges as a student. Xiao Ming, a student in the school, is Xiao Ming at home. “The number of primary schools ”has gone“ and the junior high school has become a positive number.” 2. Q: How do you perform the addition of positive and negative numbers? A: Since the positive number is the natural number and the score of the elementary school, the addition of the two positive numbers is the sum of the natural or the scores of the elementary school. This is what we have already done.
正多边形的重心在中心,所以中心在坐标原点的正多边形的各顶点的横坐标的和为零,纵坐标的和也为零。从而,当正多边形内接于单位圆时,导出sum from i=0 to n-1(cos(a+(2iπ)/
最近,我分别对一所城镇小学,一所乡中心小学和一所村小的142个公民办教师进行了问卷调查,要求他们根据自己的实际,把一周内(以6个工作日计) 各项劳动所占用的时间除以6,求出