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芦笋,学名石刁柏,又称龙须菜,在植物学分类上,属百合科天门冬属。原产于欧洲,是欧美日餐桌上最负盛名的蔬菜。据目前科技信息,芦笋的主要产地:台湾省、美国、日本、西班牙、法国、意大利等国。 芦笋鲜嫩可口,富含营养,除含有丰富的蛋白质、氨基酸、糖类外,主要含有芳香异硫氰酸,而芳香异硫氰酸是防癌治癌的天然抑制剂,因而受到人们的青睐。市场需求日趋增加。 下面介绍我所近几年来的生产示范经验: 一、选择品种。据我所试验示范,在巢湖流域应选择:玛丽华盛顿500号、加州大学309,该品种幼茎发生较多,大小整齐一致,鳞片紧凑。产量高,品质好,抗病力 Asparagus, scientific name asparagus, also known as Asparagus, in the botanical classification, is a Liliaceae asparagus. Originated in Europe, Europe and the United States is the most famous vegetable table on the table. According to the current scientific and technological information, the main origin of asparagus: Taiwan Province, the United States, Japan, Spain, France, Italy and other countries. Asparagus fresh and delicious, rich in nutrients, in addition to rich in protein, amino acids, carbohydrates, mainly containing isothiocyanic acid, and aromatic isothiocyanic acid is a natural inhibitor of cancer prevention and treatment, and therefore by the people of all ages. Market demand is increasing. Here I introduce the past few years of production demonstration experience: First, select the species. According to my experimental demonstration, Chaohu Lake Basin should choose: Mary Washington 500, University of California 309, the species occurs more young stems, the same size, compact scales. High yield, good quality, disease resistance