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作文教学是初中语文老师最感头痛的,它往往花去语文老师大量的时间和精力,但是收效甚微。初中生追求独立,个性日益突出,活泼、想学但基础薄弱;对生活、客观世界充满新鲜和好奇,但认识不足。表现在作文中,往往是不会选题、不会集材、不会谋篇、不会措辞,其问题的根源就是我们几十年来一成不变的传统教育形式,墨守成规的教学方法,学生习惯于老师给他们命题、提示,甚至提供题材。因此,我们的作文教学必须改革。一、作文教学存在的问题1.作文训练中,命题的形式范围很狭窄,多数仅限于学校或家庭,对客观世界的渗透不够,学生写作时普遍感到内容贫乏,无从写起;老师又往往在命题的同时把题材方面的规定念给学生,让学生按范文依葫芦画瓢,培养的是学生的惰性,独立写作能力始终没有得到提高。2.应试教育的体制、升学的压力、呆板的教学形式、毫无创造力可言的作业,这些都无法激起学生的学习兴趣。作文训练,认识性和实用性 Essay teaching is the most troublesome language teacher in junior high school, it often takes a lot of time and energy of the language teacher, but with little effect. Junior high school students pursue independence, their personality has become increasingly prominent, lively and want to learn, but the foundation is weak. They are full of freshness and curiosity about life and the objective world, but lack of understanding. In the composition, they often do not choose the topic, they do not collect the material, they do not seek the article, they do not speak the language. The root of the problem is that we are the same as the traditional education form which has been kept unchanged for decades. The students are used to the teacher Give them propositions, tips, and even provide the subject matter. Therefore, our writing teaching must be reformed. First, the composition of teaching problems 1. Composition training, propositions in the form of a very narrow range, the majority is limited to schools or families, the infiltration of the objective world is not enough, the students generally feel content when writing, unable to write; teachers are often Propositions at the same time the provisions of the subject read to the students, so that students according to Fanhu gourd ladle, cultivating the inertia of students, independent writing ability has not been improved. 2. Examination-oriented education system, the pressure of further studies, rigid teaching forms, no creativity at all work, these are unable to arouse students’ interest in learning. Composition training, awareness and practicality
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