发展名优茶 提高经济效益

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一、现状临安是我省重点产茶县之一,1990年春茶产量占全省1/15。以生产大宗眉茶为主,名优茶数量仅占春茶总产的1%。由于茶类单一,在市场上缺乏应变能力,形成大宗眉茶积压,而作为名优茶的“天目青顶”、 First, the status quo Lin’an is one of the key tea producing counties in our province, the spring tea production in 1990 accounted for 1/15 of the province. Mainly to produce bulk eyebrow tea, the number of famous tea only accounts for 1% of the total output of spring tea. As a single tea, the lack of resilience in the market, the formation of the backlog of bulk Mei Mei, and tea as a famous “Tianmuqingding”
本文结合工程实践介绍生石灰桩复合地基的加固机理和加固效果。 In this paper, the reinforcement mechanism and reinforcement effect of lime-soil pile composite foun