The application of EPICS in TMSR radiation protection and access control system

来源 :Nuclear Science and Techniques | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fogstorm
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To treat technical problems of data acquisition,alarm management, and historical data archiving of radiation protection control system in Thorium Molten Salt Reactor, a network prototype system was designed based on experimental physics and industrial control system.Radiation level of many locations in Jiading campus of Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics is being continuously monitored, and boundaries of accelerator facilities and radiochemical areas are defined by the access control system. In this paper, we introduce the control system design,including human–machine interfaces, alarm system, historical data archiving system, and the software for access control. The software development followed the standard of Capability Maturity Model Integration(CMMIò) Level3, and the software had passed a third-party test, which indicated that the functionality and the reliability could fulfill the requirements of the radiation protection system. To treat technical problems of data acquisition, alarm management, and historical data archiving of radiation protection control system in Thorium Molten Salt Reactor, a network prototype system was designed based on experimental physics and industrial control system. Radiation level of many locations in Jiading campus of Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics is being continuously monitored, and boundaries of accelerator facilities and radiochemical areas are defined by the access control system. In this paper, we introduce the control system design, including human-machine interfaces, alarm system, historical data archiving system , and the software for access control. The software development followed the standard of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMIò) Level 3, and the software had passed a third-party test, which indicates that the functionality and the reliability could fulfill the requirements of the radiation protection system.
建筑信息模型(Building Information Modeling)技术简称为BIM三维技术,三维技术正成为土木建筑工程信息技术应用的主要方向,但由于数据量大,在数据管理方面存在困难.本文通过