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朝鲜梨象鼻虫(R hynchites coreanuskono)。别名梨象鼻虫,朝鲜梨虎。是梨果实大害虫。受害轻者减产2~3成,若防治不力,减产可达70~80%,甚至无收。为探索该虫的发生规律与防治方法,经77~81年的观察和试验整理如下。 一、调查方法 (一)成虫出土期:77年7~8月,在中八农场四大队梨园树盘下,设置养虫笼,放入当年虫果,次年四月逐日记载出土数。 (二)果园成虫产卵消长规律:80年4~8月在本场定点观察梨树30株,先后调查12次,逐株检查卵果数量。 (三)成虫产卵特性饲养观察:在饲养笼里,逐日检查4对成虫产卵数量和特性。 North Korea pear weevil (R hynchites coreanuskono). Alias ​​pear weevil, North Korea pear. Pear is a large pest. The victims of light reduction of 2 to 3 percent, if the prevention and control of weak, cut up to 70 to 80%, or no income. In order to explore the occurrence of the pest and prevention methods, after 77 to 81 years of observation and testing are as follows. First, the survey method (a) adult period of excavated: 77 years from July to August, in the eight brigade Liyuan tree farm, set up rearing cage, into the year fruit, the following year in April recorded the number of unearthed. (B) of the orchard adult spawning growth and decline of law: 80 years from April to August in the field fixed point observation pear 30, has investigated 12 times, check the number of egg per plant. (C) adult oviposition characteristics Feeding observation: in the feeding cage, daily inspection of 4 pairs of adults ovipositing number and characteristics.
实践证明长江流域南岸广大地区虽然适于种植甜菜,但由于甜菜在这些地区的自然气候条件下抽苔开花较不正常,因此采种、 Practice has proved that the vast area on the sou
芒果蛀梢虫(Chlumetia Transverse Walker)又叫芒果尾夜蛾、钻心虫.顾名思义,它是钻蛀新梢为害的一种芒果害虫.蛀梢虫在福建分布广、代数多.被害的新梢和花穗最终枯死,间接或
目的:建立测定积雪草配方颗粒剂中积雪草苷的HPLC含量分析方法。方法:采用C18柱,RP-HPLC法,水-乙腈为流动相,梯度洗脱,检测波长205 nm。结果:积雪草苷在0.02-0.51 mg·mL-1范
用土办法防治蚜虫,各地都有尝试。抚顺县黎明同志介绍的经验,是他多年实践的总结,可供参考。 Soil control aphids, there are attempts everywhere. The experience introd