Simulation and analysis of ~(13)N+p elastic resonance scattering

来源 :中国物理C | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:killlikk
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The 13N+p elastic resonance scattering has been studied at the secondary radioactive beam facility of CIAE in inverse kinematics via a thick-target method. The excitation function for the 13N(p,p) scattering was obtained in the energy interval of Ecm ≈0.5—3.2 MeV with a 13N secondary beam of (47.8±1.5) MeV. Careful analysis of the secondary beam components and extensive Monte-Carlo simulations enable the resolution of the experimental proton spectra. The resonance parameters for five low-lying levels in 14O were deduced by R-matrix fitting calculations with MULTI7 and SAMMY-M6-BETA. The present results show general agreement with those from a recent similar work, and thus confirm the observation of a new 0- level at 5.7 MeV in 14O with an improved width of 400(45) keV. The 13N + p elastic resonance scattering has been studied at the secondary radioactive beam facility of CIAE in inverse kinematics via a thick-target method. The excitation function for the 13N (p, p) scattering was obtained in the energy interval of Ecm ≈0.5 -3.2 MeV with a 13N secondary beam of (47.8 ± 1.5) MeV. Careful analysis of the secondary beam components and extensive Monte-Carlo simulations enable the resolution of the experimental proton spectra. The resonance parameters for five low-lying levels in 14O were deduced by R-matrix fitting calculations with MULTI7 and SAMMY-M6-BETA. The present results show general agreement with those from a recent similar work, and thus confirm the observation of a new 0- level at 5.7 MeV in 14O with an improved width of 400 (45) keV.
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