Electron temperature fluctuation in the HT-7 tokamak plasma observed by electron cyclotron emission

来源 :Chinese Physics B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ph103
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The fluctuation of the electron temperature has been measured by using the electron cyclotron emission imaging in the Hefei Tokamak-7(HT-7) plasma.The electron temperature fluctuation with a broadband spectrum shows that it propagates in the electron diamagnetic drift direction,and the mean poloidal wave-number kθ is calculated to be about 1.58 cm-1,or kθρs≈ 0.34.It indicates that the fluctuation should come from the electron drift wave turbulence.The linear global scaling of the electron temperature fluctuation with the gradient of electron temperature is consistent with the mixing length scale qualitatively.Evolution of spectrum of the fluctuation during the sawtooth oscillation phases is investigated,and the fluctuation is found to increase with the gradient of electron temperature increasing during most phases of the sawtooth oscillation.The results indicate that the electron temperature gradient is probably the driver of the fluctuation enhancement.The steady heat flux driven by electron temperature fluctuation is estimated and compared with the results from power balance estimation. The fluctuation of the electron temperature has been measured by using the electron cyclotron emission imaging in the Hefei Tokamak-7 (HT-7) plasma. The electron temperature fluctuation with a broadband spectrum shows that it propagates in the electron diamagnetic drift direction, and the mean poloidal wave-number kθ is calculated to be about 1.58 cm-1, or kθρs≈ 0.34. It indicates that the fluctuation should come from the electron drift wave turbulence. linear global scaling of the electron temperature fluctuation with the gradient of electron temperature is consistent with the mixing length scale qualitatively. Evolution of the spectrum of the fluctuation during the sawtooth oscillation phases is investigated, and the fluctuation is found to increase with the gradient of electron temperature increasing during most of the sawtooth oscillation. The results indicate that the electron temperature gradient is probably the driver of the fluctuation enhancement by electron temperature fluctuation is estimated and compared with the results from power balance estimation.
7月18日,2015年第12届“威凯杯”全国象棋等级赛在中国棋院落幕。最终男子组东方电脑柳大华高徒、湖北队王兴业大演后来居上的好戏,从一路落后到逆袭折桂。王兴业11战积18分成就螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后,晋升为男子大师。业余名将广东黎德志憾获亚军,再一次功亏一篑,辽宁钟少鸿季军。杭州姚洪新腥军。士子组杭州张玄弈夺得桂冠,晋升大师。兹选评三盘精彩对局,以飨读者。  河南 赵力(先负)广东 黎德志(2015年