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本期刊登的省农牧厅、省档案局《关于加强农业科技档案工作的通知》,要求尽快把我省农业科技档案工作搞上去,这是全省农业、档案管理部门当前一项迫切的任务,也是我们“议大事、懂全局、管本行”,使自已的业务工作更好地服从并服务于四化建设的一个重要课题。我省农业科技档案工作,自1980年贯彻全国、全省科技档案工作会议精神和国务院批准颁布的《科技档案工作条例》以来,有所恢复、整顿和加强,但工作的发展很不平衡。一些单位还没有把它列入议事日程,农业科技档案无人管理,农业科技文件材料形成、积累、归档制度不健全,至使这些宝贵的文件材料长期散存在个人手里,甚至四处扔 This issue of the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry, Provincial Archives “on strengthening the work of agricultural science and technology files,” urged the province’s agricultural science and technology files as soon as possible to engage in the work, which is the province’s agriculture, archives management an urgent task now It is also an important issue for us to “make major preparations, understand the overall situation and control our bank” so that our own business operations can be better obeyed and serve the four modernizations. The agricultural science and technology archives work in our province has been resumed, rectified and strengthened since the implementation of the national scientific and technological archives conference in 1980 and the “Regulations on Scientific and Technological Archives and Work” approved by the State Council in 1980. However, the development of the work is not balanced. Some units have not put it on the agenda, unmanaged agricultural science and technology files, the formation of agricultural science and technology documents, the accumulation and filing system is not perfect, so that these valuable documents and materials stored in the individual long-term scattered, and even throw around
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