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随着信息时代的到来,越来越多的企业借助互联网来扩大自己在市场上的知名度,信息处理的网络化已成为时代发展的必然趋势。为了适应市场要求和保持自身竞争力,企业必然要相应地对其原有财务管理系统进行改善,于是作为电子商务不可或缺的一部分——网络化财务信息系统也随之诞生。网络财务是指基于Internet/Intranet技术,以财务管理为核心,业务管理与财务管理一体化,支持电子商务,能够实现各种远程操作(如远程记账,远程报表,远程查账,远程审计及远程监控等)和事中动态会计核算与在线财务 With the advent of the information age, more and more enterprises use the Internet to expand their popularity in the market. The networking of information processing has become an inevitable trend of the times. In order to meet the market requirements and maintain their competitiveness, companies must correspondingly improve their original financial management system, so as an integral part of e-commerce - networked financial information system also will be born. Network finance is based on Internet / Intranet technology, financial management as the core, business management and financial management integration, support for e-commerce, to achieve a variety of remote operations (such as remote billing, remote reporting, remote audit, remote audit and remote Monitoring, etc.) and things in the dynamic accounting and online finance
尽管牵动世界亿万人心的亚特兰大百年奥运圣火刚刚熄灭,但是,体育与科技,体育与电脑,体育与网络从一个崭新的角度向人们久久地、深刻地展示了技术发展的巨大魅力。 就在昨天
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Propagation of coherent combined laser beams in turbulent atmosphere is numerically studied based on the extended Huygens-Fresnel principle.By choosing beam pro
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