
来源 :药物不良反应杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:YWNDZDYWNDZD
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A 4-year-old boy was hospitalized with fever for 2 days. He had no history of taking aspirin previously. Physical examination revealed a temperature of 40.2℃, pharynx congestion,enlarged tonsils and normal lungs.Lab findings included WBC count of 13.5x109/L with 84% neutrophils and 16% lymphocytes.The patient was diagnosed as acute tonsillitis and treated with DL-lysine aspirin 0.3g by intramuscular injection.10 minutes later,the boy developed nausea,non-projectile vomiting and dull look. It was considered the warning signs of convulsions induced by hyperpyrexia,and treated with phenobarbital 0.1g by intramuscular injection.He had shortness of breath,moist rales with bilateral lungs and 80% serum oxygen saturation.The symptoms were not lessened after giving oxygen supplement and hydrocotisone etc.2 hours later,the boy developed dyspnea,cyanosis and paleness. His conditions were deteriorated progressively after treatment including trachea intubation and mechanical ventilation.He died of respiratory and circulatory failure. A 4-year-old boy was hospitalized with fever for 2 days. He had no history of taking aspirin previously. Physical examination revealed a temperature of 40.2 ° C, pharynx congestion, enlarged tonsils and normal lungs. Inspection results included WBC count of 13.5x109 / L with 84% neutrophils and 16% lymphocytes. The patient was diagnosed as acute tonsillitis and treated with DL-lysine aspirin 0.3g by intramuscular injection.10 minutes later, the boy developed nausea, non-projectile vomiting and dull look. It was considered the warning signs of convulsions induced by hyperpyrexia, and treated with phenobarbital 0.1g by intramuscular injection. He had shortness of breath, moist rales with bilateral lungs and 80% serum oxygen saturation.The symptoms were not lessened after giving oxygen supplement and hydrocotisone etc .2 hours later, the boy developed dyspnea, cyanosis and paleness. His conditions were deteriorated progressively after treatment including trachea intubation and mechanical ventilation .He died of respiratory and circulatory failure.
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男患 ,58岁。两年前由于煤气罐爆炸将右眼烧伤 ,当时造成右眼上、下睑皮肤缺损 ,结角膜热烧伤 ,视力丧失 ,后曾行眼睑皮肤移植、修补术 ,眼睑仍不能闭合 ,角膜暴露 ,假性胬肉
男 ,61岁 ,退休矿工。因声嘶伴痰中带血、偶有呼吸困难半年余就诊 ,伴头昏、头痛、咽不适。外院病检示“喉鳞状细胞癌Ⅱ级” ,即以“喉癌 (左 )”收入。素体多病 ,有“慢支炎
思维能力是人的认识能力的重要组成部分,他不仅是学生独立学习历史知识的基本能力,也是学生运用历史知识的基本能力。培养学生的思维能力,从根本上说来就是要是学生勤于思考,肯动脑筋。培养优良的思维品质,这也是目前素质教育的一项基本要求。   一、培养学生思维的敏捷性   培养学生思维的敏捷性。思维的敏捷性,即思维的速度。它是指学生在历史学习中对某一问题,经过短时间的思考迅速作出反应,也就是快速抓住问题
额生儿期先天性心脏病(先心病)复杂畸形较年长儿多见,临床表现常不典型,急诊发生率高,病死率高.故早期诊断十分重要。1 临床表现1.1心脏杂音新生儿期先心病心脏杂音多有不典