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《辽宁青年》杂志登载的《冲突,在彭总家里发生》一文说,彭德怀元帅的侄子彭起超,抗日战争时期参加八路军,由警卫员逐级提升为代理副团长。1955年在哈尔滨军工学院学习评定军衔时,当时的院长陈赓将军提出定为上尉,彭总认为定个少尉就行了,两人经过一番争论,最后还是按彭总的意见定为少尉。彭起超感到受了委屈,学校放署假后,就到北京去找伯伯“讲理”。当他说到跟自己同期入伍的战友都定为上尉时,彭总手指着他的鼻子说:“我是国防部长,你是我的侄子,难道对你就不能要求严一点?你只知道跟活着的人比,怎么不去跟死了的人比?你想想,你的父亲连新中国的五星红旗都没有看到,就被反动派杀了头。成千上万的革命先烈,为了建设新中国献出自己的生命,好多人连名字都没有留下,你怎么不去跟他们比?”读完这篇短文,彭总的浩然正气,令人肃然起敬。在现实生活中,一些同志在提拔干部和评定职称时,总爱与自己各方面相差不多的同志比,得不到晋升就郁郁不乐。我想,这些同志如果能与成千上万为革命献身的先烈比一比,特别是与那些牺牲时连名字都没有留下来的先烈比一比,就会心胸豁然开 The article “Conflicts Occurred in Peng Zongli” in Liaoning Youth magazine said Peng Chaohuai, the nephew of Marshal Peng Dehuai, joined the Eighth Route Army during the Anti-Japanese War and was escalate by the guard to deputy head of the agency. When studying at Harbin Institute of Technology in 1955, General Chen Xun, then dean of the university, proposed to be a captain. Peng always considered himself a second lieutenant, and after some controversy, he finally decided as a second lieutenant based on his opinion. Peng Qichao suffered a grievance, the school put off the holiday, went to Beijing to find uncle “excuse”. When he said that his comrades-in-arms who enrolled with him in the same period were all captains, Peng always pointed to his nose and said, “I am Minister of Defense. You are my nephew. Can not you be strict with you? You only know Compared with those who live, why not go to the dead than you? Think about it, your father, even the five-star red flag of new China have not seen, they were the reactionaries killed .Thousands of revolutionary martyrs, in order to Building new China devotes oneself life, a lot of people do not even have the name left behind, how do you not to compare with them? ”After reading this essay, Peng total awe-inspiring, awe-inspiring. In real life, some comrades, who always love themselves more or less the same as others in their own fields, are more unhappy than they were when they did not get promotion. I think these comrades will be open-minded when compared with the proportion of martyrs who have devoted themselves to the revolution in the tens of thousands, especially those who have not even sacrificed their names
在众多的教学辅助设备中,多媒体以其卓越的性能越来越受到教师的青睐。在实际教学中,如何合理运用多媒体教学手段、如何优化组合多媒体教学已成为时代的呼唤,教改的需要。 A
<正> 《战国楚简汇编》,商承祚教授遗作,1995年齐鲁书社出版。全书372页,266000字,八开本。售价280元。该书所收为:(1)湖南长沙五里牌M406、(2)湖南长沙仰天湖M25、(3)湖南长沙杨家湾M6、(4)、(5)河南信阳长台关M1、(6)湖北江陵望山M1、(7)湖北江陵望山M2出土竹简。这7批竹简时代均属战国中晚期,地域和文字风格均属楚国,故称其为"战国楚简"。作者在《前言》中详细考证了战国楚简的编联制度,并对简文内容和文字作了概括说明。该书正文首先列出每批竹简的照片,然后录
Dry sliding friction and wear properties of A356/SiC composites against AISI D2 were analyzed by means of SEM,XRD and EDS.Results indicated that the wear rate o
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