Fluency or accuracy, which would you look for in your class

来源 :第二课堂(高中版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaomei52689
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  Fluency and accuracy are both important in language teaching, especially while teaching communication. Fluency focuses (关注) mainly on effective communication without considering grammatical mistakes as long as the communication is successful. It is, thus, an “easier” approach to communication. On the other hand, accuracy is the ability of a learner to communicate with proper grammar and vocabulary. In other words, it shows the perfect ability to communicate in a particular language.
  To teach a language, teachers should keep it in mind that a context (语境) plays a very key part in learners’ learning. For a learner who is learning a language from a school, grammar and vocabulary play a very important part in language communication. For a learner who is learning the language in its native speaking country, it is merely about communicating effectively, so as to make the listener understand his words. In such a case, grammar may go wrong at times, but neither the speaker nor the listener considers it as long as they understand each other. But, unless the vocabulary is perfect, learners will never be able to master the learning language. So, it is very important to know the context in consideration of stressing on fluency or accuracy while learning a language . If the learner is in a classroom learning session, he focuses on accuracy while if a learner is in a real language context where he has to communicate in the target language all the time, he focuses on fluency!
  (What’s your opinion on fluency or accuracy?)
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