以大融合 促大发展

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实施西部大开发,强化兵地大融合意义深远。实施西部大开发,强化兵地大融合,是由新疆特殊的实际情况决定的,是经济发展理论与新疆开发实践相结合的重要探索,是社会主义市场经济的必然要求,是经济发展战略的一个突破,是适应社会化生产的需要。兵团的发展离不开地方的支持,地方的发展离不开兵团的支持。新疆大开发、大发展,取得共建共荣的辉煌成就,重要经验之一就是兵地融合。发展融合经济,必须实事求是,在具有优先发展优势的区域有效地实施。目前新疆经济发展条件最为优越的地区在天山南北两条铁路的沿线,特别是在天山北坡一带。这一带拥有乌鲁木齐、昌吉、石河子、克拉玛依、奎屯、乌苏等中心城市,具有中心城市综合功能强、辐射带动作用强的优势;有交通、资源,对外开放条件好,投资效益高的优势;有国家和自治 Carrying out the great development of the western region and strengthening the integration of the military and the territories have far-reaching significance. The implementation of the large-scale development of the western region and the great integration of the military and territories are determined by the special conditions in Xinjiang. They are an important exploration into the combination of the theory of economic development and the practice of development in Xinjiang, an inevitable requirement of the socialist market economy and a strategy of economic development Breakthrough is to meet the needs of social production. The development of the Corps can not be separated from the support of the localities and the development of the localities can not be separated from the support of corps. One of the important experiences of great development and great development of Xinjiang in achieving brilliant achievements of building a common prosperity is the integration of soldiers and land. To develop a converging economy, we must seek truth from facts and effectively implement it in regions that have the advantage of giving priority to development. At present, the most advantageous areas for economic development in Xinjiang are along the north-south Tianshan railway line, especially in the northern slope of Tianshan. In this zone, there are central cities such as Urumqi, Changji, Shihezi, Karamay, Kuitun and Wusu, which have the advantages of strong comprehensive functions and strong radiation in the central cities. They have the advantages of favorable transportation and resources, good conditions for opening to the outside world and high investment returns. Country and autonomy
目的了解克拉玛依市独山子区社区居民用药基本常识,发现不合理用药的产生因素,为社区卫生服务机构指导居民合理、规范用药提供依据。方法 2010年6月—2011年6月采取问卷调查
利用有限元软件Ansys与声学软件LMS Virtual.Lab Acoustics进行城市轨道交通高架桥梁的振动声辐射分析。首先使用Ansys对箱型梁三维模型进行瞬态动力学分析,用一列移动荷载模
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目的 初步探讨维拉帕米 (VP)对离体兔阴茎海绵体平滑肌的舒张作用及其机制。方法 离体家兔阴茎海绵体平滑肌条实验方法 ,观察VP对阴茎海绵体平滑肌的舒张效应。结果 VP可