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2006年中国 FDI 为638亿美元,引资仍然是2007年开放的重头戏。新的一年,招商引资也需新思维、新观念。旁观者清,日本和韩国的专家如何看待中国的招商引资?从中国贸易对象的角度来看,可以发现一些值得我们思考和借鉴的地方。因此,我们请来前任韩国驻青岛总领事朴钟先博士和日本贸易振兴机构(JETRO)青岛代表处所长阿部宏忠,作为本期主题策划的嘉宾。韩国和日本对于山东省和青岛市的意义非常重大,韩国和日本的两位专家,他们在青岛多年,对青岛经济十分了解,这样的背景让他们有独特的视角,对中国招商引资的问题有独到的见解。他们对“招商引资”和“利用外资”的区分,他们对招商策略和引资方法的建议,甚至包括他们对招商过程的微词,对我们的招商都是极有价值的。 In 2006, China’s FDI was US $ 63.8 billion. Attracting foreign investment remained the highlight of its opening up in 2007. New Year, investment needs new ideas, new ideas. Bystanders Qing, Japan and South Korea experts think China’s investment? From the perspective of China’s trading partners, we can find some worthy of our thinking and reference. Therefore, we invite Dr. Park Chung-heng, the former Consul General of Korea in Qingdao, and Abe Hongzhong, director of the JETRO Qingdao Representative Office in Japan, as guests of this year’s theme planning. The significance of South Korea and Japan to Shandong Province and Qingdao City is very significant. Two experts from South Korea and Japan, who for many years in Qingdao have a very good knowledge of Qingdao’s economy, have a unique perspective on their investment in China. Insights. Their distinction between “investment promotion” and “utilization of foreign investment”, their suggestions on investment strategy and investment promotion methods, and even their meager references to the investment promotion process are extremely valuable to our investment promotion.
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