A movie review of Jodhaa Akbar

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  Jodhaa Akbar is an Indian movie released in 2008. This movie derives from a truly historical event of the Muslim Mughal Emperor named Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar and his political marriage with a Hindu woman who has different faith with her king husband. It is a true love story with a happy ending. Besides, this wonderful love story not only include how man and woman, especially the men of high position, to find a true love but it also to draw attention on how people to communicate with each other who own different cultural and religion backgrounds.
  The article analysis of movie will present at three main factors: War—there is a war in the beginning of the film that Mughal Empire dominate the Indian land with violent conquest in 16 century; meanwhile, there is also a war between Akbar and his brother-in-law in the end of the movie for a fight of power and political position. Religion—it is a big issue in any topic related to culture and faith. Faith usually leads people to find the gospel in their lives but also might mislead people to refuse other believes. Love—man loves woman called romance; moreover, person love people those belongs to different cultural groups or relational background called forgiveness. Nevertheless, there may be not more than three factors to show the cross-cultural communication but those three main elements will be pointed out and argued in this assay.
  Human being’s history full fills with war. There is no exception of few countries without a war or conflicts to get though successfully the change of regime. The film describes a scene that the Muslim Mughal Empire takes over India in the early of the 16 century with force power. War through out the whole film story, but Akbar’s a serial behavior about forgiveness and kindness brings a plenty of new sight for people to rethink and self-examination about how to treat the enemy even make them to become a friend.
  Jodhaa is a Rajput princess and believes Hinduism. She wants to keep her own faith and also asks for remaining her religion life. Firstly, Akbar does not understand it and shows a few upset, but then he is convinced by her braveness with her holy faith until Akbar satisfies her religion requirement with good tempered with his forgiveness.
  At the beginning the two heroes do not trust each other for they come from different cultural backgrounds and different religion groups. However, fortunately they fall in love with each other because of trust. Akbar respects Jodhaa’s decision so that obtains her trust; at the meaning time, Jodhaa loves Akbar because of his kindness and forgiveness.
  Jodhaa Akbar (2008) is not only a movie to represent a history of the Mughal Empire, it also try to tell us an idea about how people appropriately and friendly get along with each other who belong to a strange culture or different religion systems. This film is a good example for people to rethink their normal lives because people’s lives are always related to a content that is how people can live together happily and harmoniously.
  [1]Ashutosh Gowariker,2008,Movie:Jodhaa Akbar.
  [2]Eraly,Abraham(2000).Emperors of the Peacock Throne:The Saga of the Great Mughals.Penguin books.
  [3]Eraly,Abraham(2004).The Mughal Throne:The Saga of India’s Great Emperors.Phoenix.“The Age of Akbar”.columbia.edu.Retrieved 2009-05-31.
【摘要】跨文化交际活动是双向的行为,既包括吸纳外来文化,也要对外传播本土文化。然而,目前的中学英语教学中存在着中西方文化输入失衡,学生对中国文化的英语表达能力不足的现象。本文从分析其原因入手,进而从课程标准、教师素质和教材编写等方面提出了一些对策,希望能够有助于提高学生用英语表达中国文化的能力,从而促进学生的跨文化交际能力的整体培养。  【关键词】跨文化意识 中国文化 英语表达力  一、引言  新
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