外联内融 创新引领 品牌管理助力企业转型发展

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品牌管理是现代企业市场经营的重要组成部分,有助于企业提高产品议价能力和减少客户营销阻力。当前,伴随邮政各专业转型升级,企业品牌建设和品牌宣传工作面临新形势,主要表现在以下几个方面:一是随着市场环境变化,邮政企业业务范围在不断扩展,业务触角进入新兴细分市场,尤其是许多新业务面向的都是个人零售市场,原有的品牌形象和内涵已经不能覆盖业务发展的新空间。二是随着社会传播方式的快速 Brand management is an important part of modern business market management, help companies improve product bargaining power and reduce customer marketing resistance. At present, with the postal professional transformation and upgrading, corporate brand building and brand promotion are facing new situations, mainly in the following aspects: First, as the market environment changes, the business scope of postal enterprises is expanding and the business tentacles enter the emerging segments The market, especially many new businesses, are oriented towards the retail market. The original brand image and content can not cover the new space for business development. Second, with the rapid mode of social communication
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