
来源 :幼儿教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abckidscba
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今年十一月,全国幼儿教育研究会第二届年会在湖南省长沙市举行。参加会议的二百多位同志来自全国二十八个省、市、自治区,其中有幼儿教育专家、教授,幼教干部,幼儿师范的校长、教师,优秀的幼儿教育工作者和科研、出版单位的同志。教育部副部长黄辛白到会讲了话。南京师范学院学前教育系主任赵寄石作了外国幼儿教育的考察报告。会议回顾、总结了建国三十二年来幼教工作正反两方面的经验教训,研究我国幼儿教育的规律和当前幼儿教育面临的新课题,并交流了幼儿教育领域的各项科研成果。到会同志通过学习、讨论,进一步明确了幼教事业的发展必须与经济的发展相适 In November this year, the second annual meeting of the National Research Institute for Early Childhood Education was held in Changsha, Hunan Province. More than 200 comrades from all over the country came from 28 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in the country, including early childhood education experts, professors, preschool education cadres, preschool teachers, teachers, excellent preschool educators and research institutes and publishing houses Comrade. Vice Minister of Education Huang Xin Bai arrived at the meeting. Nanjing Normal University, Department of Preschool Education Zhao sent stone foreign preschool education inspection report. The meeting reviewed and summarized the experiences and lessons from both positive and negative aspects of early childhood education since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in the founding of our nation, studied the laws of early childhood education in our country and the new topics currently faced by early childhood education and exchanged various scientific research achievements in the field of early childhood education. Through the study and discussion, comrades in attendants further clarified that the development of early childhood education must be compatible with the economic development
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