Discussion of Issues on Several Crucial Basic Study Directions of Agriculture in China

来源 :Science Foundation in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:purpleplain
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To solve those problems such as farmland deficiency, ecological environment deterioration, high consumption of resources with low efficiency, serious agricultural pollution, and lack of scientific and technological support for agriculture, the basic researches in breeding theories, serious birds epidemic diseases, agriculture protections, multiple information acquisition methods and diagnosis mechanisms in precision farming, quality formation process of crop produces, and mechanisms of nondestructive examination were explored in this paper. And the results could provide information resources to strengthen the scientific and technological support for agriculture and its sustainable development. To solve those problems such as farmland deficiency, ecological environment deterioration, high consumption of resources with low efficiency, serious agricultural pollution, and lack of scientific and technological support for agriculture, the basic researches in breeding theories, serious birds epidemic diseases, agriculture protections, multiple information acquisition methods and diagnosis mechanisms in precision farming, quality formation process of Crop produces, and mechanisms of nondestructive examination were explored in this paper. And the results could provide information resources to enhance the scientific and technological support for agriculture and its sustainable development.
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