Compressed sensing SAR imaging based on sparse representation in fractional Fourier domain

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:robinhohome
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Compressed sensing(CS)is a new technique of utilizing a priori knowledge on sparsity of data in a certain domain for minimizing necessary number of measurements.Based on this idea,this paper proposes a novel synthetic aperture radar(SAR)imaging approach by exploiting sparseness of echo data in the fractional Fourier domain.The effectiveness and robustness of the approach are assessed by some numerical experiments under various noisy conditions and different measurement matrices.Experimental results have shown that,the obtained images by using the CS technique depend on measurement matrix and have higher output signal to noise ratio than traditional pulse compression technique.Finally simulated and real data are also processed and the achieved results show that the proposed approach is capable of reconstructing the image of targets and effectively suppressing noise. Compressed sensing (CS) is a new technique of utilizing a priori knowledge on sparsity of data in a certain domain for minimizing necessary number of measurements. Based in this idea, this paper proposes a novel synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging approach by exploiting sparseness of echo data in the fractional Fourier domain. The effectiveness and robustness of the approach are assessed by some numerical experiments under various noisy conditions and different measurement matrices. Experimental results have shown that that obtained images by using the CS technique depend on measurement matrix and have higher output signal to noise ratio than traditional pulse compression technique .Finally simulated and real data are also processed and the achieved results show that the proposed approach is capable of reconstructing the image of targets and effectively suppress noise.
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摘 要:对于刚入园的小班幼儿来说,年龄小,自控能力差,比较好动,而且对幼儿园的环境、生活不熟悉,不习惯按相对一致的要求去行动。如果没有良好的常规,保教活动就不能很好的实施。因此,我们必须从常规培养开始,使幼儿知道什么时候做什么,怎么做,从而逐渐养成习惯。本文从榜样激励法、故事引导法、生活体验欣赏法、行为巩固法入手有效解决了小班幼儿的常规问题。  关键词:激励;引导;体验欣赏;行为巩固  一、榜样激
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