
来源 :中学物理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guobinlei
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本期我在教初三三个班的物理比热演示实验时,改原来的酒精灯和热得快为直接利用太阳能加热,实验非常成功,效果特别显著,其具体作法是:一、实验器材:两只相同的烧杯或玻璃杯,两根相同的温度计,200克水、200克煤油.二、实验步骤:1.分别在200克水和煤油的两个杯中插入温度计;2.让两位学生将两个杯同时端到太阳下去晒,并叫一位学生看表报时,5分钟后,温度计显示煤油升温2℃,水升温 In the present period, when I was teaching the physical specific heat demonstrations of the first three classes, I changed the original alcohol lamp and heat quickly to directly use the solar heating. The experiment was very successful and the effect was particularly significant. The specific methods were as follows: 1. Experimental equipment : Two identical beakers or glasses, two identical thermometers, 200 grams of water, 200 grams of kerosene. 2. Experimental procedure: 1. Insert thermometers in two cups of 200 grams of water and kerosene, respectively; 2. Let two When the students took two cups to the sun at the same time, and told a student to read the report, five minutes later, the thermometer showed that the temperature of kerosene was 2°C, and the temperature of the water rose.
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原文,请见本刊1998年5期第23页。第一点:原作者在解释现象产生的原因最后认为“由实验可知,对于摩擦力公式 F=μN中的μ应该还与分子间引力有关.”即将现象产生的原因归结为