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To analyze P16 gene mutation and its role in children’s acute leukemia. The deleted mutation was analyzed with the amplified exonl and exon2 of P16 gene by PCR. The amplified product of exon2 underwent CDGE (constant denatured gel electrophoresis) as a point mutation analysis. Resulte showed that the rate of the deletion mutation was very high. There were 18 deletion mutational cases and 6 point mutations among 57 clinical specimens, the total mutation rate being 31.6%. The mutation rate of P16 gene was 64.7% in acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) and only 8.7% in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Significant difference was found between them. Therefore the P16 gene mutation played an important role in the development of chileren’s acute leukomia. “GC” DNA repetitive sequence of P16 gene was responsible for higher deletion mutation than point mutation. To analyze P16 gene mutation and its role in children’s acute leukemia. The deleted mutation was analyzed with the amplified exon1 and exon2 of P16 gene by PCR. The amplified product of exon2 underwent CDGE (constant denatured gel electrophoresis) as a point mutation analysis. Resulte showed that the rate of the deletion mutation was very high. There were 18 deletion mutational cases and 6 point mutations among 57 clinical specimens, the total mutation rate being 31.6%. The mutation rate of P16 gene was 64.7% in acute lymphocytic leukemia ) and only 8.7% in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Significant difference was found between them. Thus the P16 gene mutation played an important role in the development of chileren’s acute leukomia. “GC” DNA repetitive sequence of P16 gene was responsible for higher deletion mutation than point mutation
我科 1990年~ 1998年共收治川崎病 4 3例 ,其中发生多器官损害 35例 ,现报道如下。临床资料  1.本组 4 3例中男 2 2例 ,女 13例 ,年龄 3个月~ 14a ,≤ 4a  2 9例 ,占 82 9% ,4
青蜂侠The Green Hornet类型:惊悚/犯罪/动作上映日期:2011年2月6日导演:米歇尔·冈瑞主演:塞斯·罗根周杰伦卡梅隆·迪亚茨……电影点评:根据知名漫画改编,文艺范儿导演米
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我院自 1997年 3月~ 2 0 0 0年 3月共收治小儿支原体肺炎 67例 ,其中 5例误诊为肺脓肿占 7 4 % ,现将 5例误诊原因分析如下。1 资料与方法1 1 一般资料 本组男 3例 ,女 2例