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冯小宁寻找“嘎达梅林”文/张维国图/老巴借《红河谷》之势,冯小宁一鼓作气完成了《嘎达梅林》剧本的创作。广电部有关领导看了本子后,对整体框架和故事结构表示基本认同。这是冯小宁日前在电话里向记者透露的信息。“你真应该去《民族团结》杂志当编辑。”“为什么?... Feng Xiaoning looking for “Gada Meilin” / Zhang Weiguo map / Old Pakistani By “Red River Valley” trend, Feng Xiaoning completed the “Gada Mei Lin” script creation. When the leaders of the Radio and Television Department read the book, they expressed their basic approval of the overall framework and story structure. This is Feng Xiaoning recently told reporters on the phone the message. “You should really go to the editor of National Unity magazine.” "Why? ...
In this work, a double-gate-all-around tunneling field-effect transistor is proposed. The performance of the novel device is studied by numerical simulation. Th
We introduce an asymmetrical mirror design to a 140 GHz TE_(22,6) quasi-optical(QO) mode converter system to correct the asymmetry of the beam’s field distribu
Beijing Post and TelecommunicationsHospital was set up shortly after the found-ing of New China.At the beginning it hadonly a few old and shabby houses with 11
This paper reports a comprehensive analysis of the origin of the electroluminescence(EL)peaks and of the thermal droop in UV-B AlGaN-based LEDs.By carrying out
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