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目的探讨活菌剂培菲康在腹型过敏性紫癜(HSP)治疗中的辅助作用。方法选择2004年8月至2006年1月,腹型HSP的住院患儿325例,其中男187例,女138例,年龄3~14岁,病程1~16 d。随机分为培菲康治疗组173例,对照组152例。2组病例在性别、年龄、病程长短及临床表现方面差异均无统计学意义。所有患儿入院后均予免动物蛋白流食或禁食。对照组给予维生素C、能量合剂、西米替丁及糖皮质激素等综合治疗,合并感染者给予抗生素、消化道出血的给予止血敏、维生素K1等。观察组在此基础上加用培菲康1袋,3次/d。用药1周后进行疗效判定。结果 2组患者治疗效果比较:总有效率培菲康治疗组为96.5%,对照组为91.4%,P<0.05。2组患者消化道症状消失时间比较:培菲康治疗组小于对照组,P<0.05。结论活菌剂培菲康对腹型HSP的治疗显示出了一定的疗效,临床证明培菲康可保护胃黏膜,防止胃肠道出血,减轻腹痛症状,从而可缩短病程,临床值得应用。其作用机制目前尚不明确,可能与其发挥免疫系统的调节作用有关。 Objective To investigate the adjuvant effect of live-antibacterial agent Pefikan in the treatment of idiopathic purpura (HSP). Methods From August 2004 to January 2006, 325 cases of inpatients with abdominal HSP were hospitalized, including 187 males and 138 females, aged from 3 to 14 years with a course of 1 to 16 days. A total of 173 patients were randomly assigned to bevacizumab group and 152 patients in control group. There were no significant differences in gender, age, duration of disease and clinical manifestations among the two groups. All children were given free animal protein fluid or fasting after admission. Control group was given vitamin C, energy mixture, cimetidine and glucocorticoid and other comprehensive treatment of patients with antibiotics given antibiotics, bleeding given to stop bleeding sensitivity, vitamin K1 and so on. Observation group on this basis with the addition of Pefki 1 bag, 3 times / d. 1 week after treatment to determine the efficacy. Results Comparison of the curative effect of the two groups: the total effective rate was 96.5% in the group of Befi-Kang and 91.4% in the control group, P <0.05.2 Comparison of disappearance time of gastrointestinal symptoms: <0.05. Conclusion Bacitracin, a viable microbicide, shows a certain curative effect on the treatment of abdominal HSP. It is clinically proven that Peifu Kang can protect the gastric mucosa, prevent gastrointestinal bleeding and relieve the symptoms of abdominal pain, which can shorten the course of disease and is worthy of clinical application. Its mechanism of action is not yet clear, it may play a regulatory role of the immune system.
合成了三类磺酸功能化离子液体,通过STA、DSC-TG、UV-V is、运动粘度/密度计等手段考察了离子液体的热力学性质、酸度、粘度和密度等理化性质,发现离子液体阴阳离子的结构对
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