清理违规光缆建设项目 信息产业部 国家计委联合发出通知

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近年来,一些企业或单位在未经国家批准的情况下,以多种方式和名义进行长途光缆建设,出现了光缆线路交越、同路由近距离或同沟埋设等现象,不仅造成大量的重复建设,而且危害着国家通信安全,导致了全国长途光缆建设秩序混乱,严重影响了国家对通信基础设施的统一规划和市场监管。为清理违规项目,整顿建设秩序,日前,信息产业部、国家计委根据《中华人民共和国电信条例》向各地发出通知。一、凡未经国家计委、信息产业部或授权单位批准,以任何形式自建或联合建设的在建长途光缆项目,一律停止建设。地方参与建设的项目报国家计委和信息产业部,军队参与建设的项目报总参通信部。二、为妥善处理违规建设的光缆资源,凡没有基础电信业务经营权执照而拥有长途光缆网络资源的部门(或地方)、企业(或单位),必须在本通知发布 In recent years, some enterprises or units have carried out the construction of long-distance optical cables in various ways and under the conditions without the approval of the State. Such phenomena as the crossover of optical cable lines, the close distance with the routes, or the laying of the same trench have not only caused a great deal of repetition Construction, but also endanger the national communications security, leading to chaotic construction of the national long-distance optical cable, seriously affecting the country’s unified planning of communications infrastructure and market regulation. In order to clear the illegal items and rectify the order of construction, a few days ago, the Ministry of Information Industry and the State Development Planning Commission issued a circular to all localities in accordance with the Telecommunication Regulations of the People’s Republic of China. 1. Any construction of long-distance optical cable projects under construction in any form or jointly by any state without the approval of the State Development Planning Commission, the Ministry of Information Industry or the authorized agencies shall be stopped. Local participation in the construction of the project reported to the State Planning Commission and the Ministry of Information Industry, the military involved in the construction of the project reported General Staff Ministry of Communications. Second, in order to properly deal with the illegal construction of optical cable resources, those who have the license of the basic telecommunications business license and have the long-distance optical cable network resources department (or place), business (or unit) must be issued in this notice
跟别人过不好的人,其实是先跟自己没过好;总觉得沟通受阻的人,常常是自己跟自己沟通不畅……这是我从本期的《和谐家庭,从“心”成长》中得到的一点启示。  无论是周边的大世界,还是自己身心的小世界,这个道理似乎都讲得通。  我们的特约专家、心理学专家刘丹一语中地:一个人幸福不幸福,其实就是你跟自己有没有搞好关系。你跟别人的关系,都是在对应你和自己的关系。比如你学会了接纳不完美的自己,就会对别人宽容许多;
你知道书上那些美妙的配图是怎么诞(dàn)生的吗?你知道动漫制作背后的秘密吗?在看似花花绿绿的背后,是奇思妙想的创意、辛苦的绘画创作,还有一道道繁琐(fán suǒ)的程序