走出蒙山之阴——访蒙阴县县长 胡家利

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地处山东省沂蒙山区腹地的蒙阴县,因处蒙山之阴而得名。这里属山区穷区,一直是一个“工业小县、财政穷县、收入低县”。然而,近几年来,蒙阴人忽然在全省乃至全国有了名气。全县工农业总产值以每年60%的速度增长,农民人均收入达到1200元,直接利用外资3000多万美元,100余种产品步入了国际市场。是什么使蒙阴的经济驶入发展的快车道了呢?最近,我们采访了蒙阴县县长胡家利先生,他说:“立足山区实际,发挥自身优势,全方位、多层次、多渠道扩大对外开放,是蒙阴的成功秘诀之一。蒙阴是典型的山区农业大县,农林牧业资源丰富。为此,蒙阴县围绕市场抓农业,优化农业内部结构,培植国际市场畅销品种。对果品、花生、黄烟、蚕茧、蔬菜等适应山区条件、受市场青睐的经济作物,实行规模经营,从而将山区农业推向山外市场。现在,全县仅花生种植面积就达15万亩,每年有1万余吨花生出口。苹果、板栗等干鲜果品生 Located in the hinterland of Yimeng Mountain in Shandong Province Mengyin County, named after the shade of Meng Mountain. Here is a poor mountainous areas, has been an ”small industrial counties, poor financial county, low income “. However, in recent years, Mengyin suddenly became famous in the province and even in the whole country. The gross value of industrial and agricultural output of the county has increased by 60% per annum. The average per-capita income of peasants has reached 1,200 yuan and the direct use of foreign capital has reached more than 30 million U.S. dollars. More than 100 kinds of products have entered the international market. Recently, we interviewed Mr. Hu Jialei, the county governor of Mengyin County. He said: ”Based on the actual situation in the mountain area, we should give full play to our advantages and make all-round, multi-level and multi-channel To expand opening to the outside world is one of the keys to success in Mengyin.Meng Yin is a typical mountainous agricultural county rich in resources for agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry.Therefore, Mengyin County focuses on agriculture in the market, optimizing the internal structure of agriculture and cultivating the best-selling varieties in the international market The peasants’ peanut acreage is now only 150,000 mu in the whole county due to the large-scale operation of the cash crops, peanuts, yellow smoke, silkworm cocoon, vegetables and other economic crops which are favored by the market, Each year more than 10,000 tons of peanut exports. Apples, chestnuts and other fresh fruit products
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