抓住“入世”机遇 力争出口增长

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外经贸部部长石广生近日在为期两天的全国年中出口工作会议上强调,上半年外经贸发展势头比预期要好,但下半年仍面临很多不确定因素。他希望各地外经贸部门和企业抓住中国加入世贸组织带来的机遇,努力实现出口商品,出口市场、经营主体和贸易方式的多元化,力争全年出口实现多增长。 石广生在讲话中回顾了上半年中 Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Shi Guangsheng recently emphasized at the two-day export conference for the mid-year of the whole nation that the momentum of foreign trade and economic cooperation in the first half of the year was better than expected. However, it still faces many uncertainties in the second half of the year. He expressed the hope that foreign trade and economic cooperation departments and enterprises all over the world will seize the opportunities brought by China’s accession to the WTO and strive to diversify the export commodities, export markets, business operators and trade methods and strive to achieve more growth in exports throughout the year. Shi Guangsheng reviewed the first half of the year in his speech
2009年,甘肃省酒泉市地税局会同酒泉市公安局成功破获了一起假发票案,经过税警通力合作、日夜奋战,涉案的6名犯罪嫌疑人已全部抓获,收缴各类假 In 2009, Jiuquan Municipal
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[本刊讯]由于对办公用纸的需求快速增长,中国和亚太地区对于BOPP复印纸包装材料的需求也在快速增长。为了满足这一不断增长的需求,威凯集团(Walki Group)在 [Print] Due to