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2016年1月21日,省水利厅召开《河南省小型水库管理办法》(以下简称《办法》)颁布实施新闻通气会。副厅长杨大勇、省防办主任申季维分别向新闻媒体介绍了《办法》主要内容和意义、出台背景和过程,就如何学习、宣传和贯彻执行《办法》,依法推进我省小型水库管理工作,回答了记者提问。杨大勇指出,2015年12月22日谢伏瞻省长签署了第171号省人民政府令,《办法》将于2016年2月1日起施行,标志着河南省小型水库管理工作进入了有法可依的新阶段,将对全省小型水库的规范化管理起到有效指导作用。 On January 21, 2016, the Provincial Department of Water Conservancy promulgated the Implementation Press Briefing on “Measures for the Administration of Small Reservoirs in Henan Province” (hereinafter referred to as the “Measures”). Deputy Director Yang Dayong and Provincial Defense Office Director Shen Jiwei introduced the main contents and significance of the Measures to the news media respectively. They introduced the background and process of how to learn, publicize and implement the Measures and promoted the management of small reservoirs in Shaanxi Province according to law , Answered the reporter’s question. Yang Dayong pointed out that on December 22, 2015, Xie Fuzhan Governor signed the No. 171 Provincial People’s Government Order, “Measures” will be February 1, 2016 will come into effect, marking the small reservoir management in Henan Province into the The new stage of law can play an effective guiding role in the standardized management of small reservoirs throughout the province.
一是大水网工程取得重大突破。大水网四大骨干工程2015年完成隧洞掘进205 km、输水工程150 km,超额完成年度目标任务。辛安泉供水工程于9月29日实现向长治潞宝、潞安和襄垣工
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目的:研究基于卒中登记的颅内动脉瘤致蛛网膜下腔出血(aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage,a SAH)的颅脑血流动力学改变及其对诊断治疗的指导作用。方法:采用回顾性研究经卒