
来源 :石油物探译丛 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hdmlb2008
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用等效质量-系统模型,即一种修改了的有限差分方法来解决波在地表断面的传播问题。点力源作用在下部地表上,观测下转角和上转角产生的合成绕射波,观测的波同阶跃高度 H 和波长λ的比值也有关。根据时距曲线的倾角确定波的性质,然后用粒子的轨迹运动对此进行证明。波的超前部分是下地表上的直达瑞利波、穿过下部转角的瑞利波、由峭壁表面上转角反射的瑞利波,由直达瑞利波在下转角绕射产生的 SV 波和在上部表面上通过整个地表的瑞利波等。穿过阶跃的瑞利波的最大幅度随阶跃高度呈指数衰减:exp(-0.1H/λ),本文提出了一些关于转角处绕射的看法。 Use the equivalent mass-system model, a modified finite difference method, to solve the wave propagation problem at the surface cross-section. The point source acts on the lower surface and observes the synthetic diffracted waves produced at the lower and upper corners. The ratio of the observed wave height H to the wavelength λ is also related. The wave nature is determined from the dip of the time-distance curve, which is then demonstrated by particle trajectory. The leading part of the wave is the direct Rayleigh wave on the lower surface, the Rayleigh wave passing through the lower corner, the Rayleigh wave reflected by the corner on the cliff surface, the SV wave generated by the direct Rayleigh wave diffraction at the lower corner, Surface through the entire surface of the Rayleigh waves and so on. The maximum magnitude of a Rayleigh wave that crosses a step decreases exponentially with the step height: exp (-0.1H / λ). This article presents some observations about diffraction at a corner.
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在实际工作中,经常会因为对一些概念的理解不同而导致编目数据的错误,本文对其中三个经常出现的问题做了一些分析。 In practice, often because of the different understa
系统矿物学(下册) 王濮潘兆橹等编著地质出版社,1987.2.734P 至此,全书三册全部出齐,该书编入1979年底以前国内外所发表的矿物2565种。本册为各类氧的化合物和卤化物矿物各
In this paper, some data analyses and theoretical discussion show that there are frequentactivities of stronger aerotroughs (cold surges) in East Asia during th
该文在认真研究高校师生的阅读心理后,就其不同特点,有针对性地提出了把握读者阅读心理,提高服务质量的具体建议。 After carefully studying the reading psychology of te