Evolution of a hydrodynamic field and its effect on hydrocarbon accumulation in the Biyang depressio

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mj830115
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The hydro-geologic stages in the Biyang Depression, Henan Province, were defined and factors controlling the evolution of the hydrodynamic field in this area were analyzed. The evolution of the paleo-hydrodynamic field was studied by using the method of sedimentary-water-head and the changing patterns of the present hydrodynamic field as determined from measured pressure data. The results show that the evolution of the hydrodynamic field is one of inheritance and that it controls hydrocarbon accumulation. The deposition center in the southeast of the depression is always a high-value zone for water-head and a dynamic- source zone of the hydrodynamic field. The slope zone in the northwest of the depression is always a low-value zone for water-head and is the main discharge area for groundwater; this is the hydrocarbon accumulation zone. Hydrocarbon accumulation is controlled by the hydrodynamic field. The reservoir shows a ring-shaped horizontal pattern. Accumulation occurs in a pressure equilibrium zone at the frontal surface between sedimentary water and infiltrating water. The hydrocarbon accumulations occur in two vertically different discharge units, Eh31 and Eh32, under the action of overpressure. The hydro-geologic stages in the Biyang Depression, Henan Province, were defined and factors controlling the evolution of the paleodynamic-hydrological field was studied by using the method of sedimentary-water-head and the changing patterns of the present hydrodynamic field as determined from measured pressure data. The results show that the evolution of the hydrodynamic field is one of inheritance and that it controls hydrocarbon accumulation. The deposition center in the southeast of the depression is always a high -value zone for water-head and a dynamic- source zone of the hydrodynamic field. The slope zone in the northwest of the depression is always a low-value zone for water-head and is the main discharge area for groundwater; this is the hydrocarbon accumulation zone. Hydrocarbon accumulation is controlled by the hydrodynamic field. The reservoir shows a ring-shaped horizontal pattern. Accumulation occurs in a pressur e equilibrium zone at the frontal surface between sedimentary water and infiltrating water. The hydrocarbon accumulations occur in two vertically different discharge units, Eh31 and Eh32, under the action of overpressure.
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目的 :建立血浆中布比卡因反相高效液相色谱测定法 ,为临床监测血药浓度提供方法学基础。方法 :采用液 液萃取法并选用利多卡因为内标 ,以KromasilC18柱 ,流动相为甲醇 水
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