Seismic geomorphology and main controls of deep-water gravity flow sedimentary process on the slope

来源 :Science China(Earth Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:eyeryonecheat
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The Quaternary continental slope of the Baiyun Sag in northern South China Sea is characterized by a complex topography and abundant gravity flow sedimentation.High-resolution 3-D seismic data in this area allow for a detailed study of the seismic geomorphology and deep-water gravity flow depositional process.The Quaternary continental slope in the northern South China Sea is an above-graded slope.An intraslope basin lies within the above-grade continental slope.Slump,erosion,and deposition processes tend to develop a gentle topography and consequently a graded slope.The upper continental slope,which is above the slope equilibrium profile,is dominated by erosion and slumping.Slides,slumps and erosional channels are developed within this continental slope.The intraslope basin is located below the slope equilibrium profile and is potential accommodation space where sediments transported by gravity flows could be deposited,forming lobe aprons.Under the influence of gravity flow supply,gravity flow duration,continental slope topography,equilibrium profile,and accommodation,a slump-erosional channel-lobe depositional system is developed in the Quaternary continental slope in the Baiyun Sag.The deep-water gravity flow depositional process and the distribution of gravity flow sediments are greatly influenced by the continental slope topography,while the continental slope topography at the same time is reshaped by deep-water gravity flow depositional process and its products.The study of the interplay between the continental slope and gravity flow is helpful in predicting the distribution of the deep-water gravity flow sediments and the variation of sediment quality. The Quaternary continental slope of the Baiyun Sag in northern South China Sea is characterized by a complex topography and abundant gravity flow sedimentation. High-resolution 3-D seismic data in this area allow for a detailed study of the seismic geomorphology and deep-water gravity flow depositional process. Quaternary continental slope in the northern South China Sea is an above-graded slope. An intraslope basin lies within the above-grade continental slope. Fluid, erosion, and deposition processes tend to develop a gentle topography and therefore a graded slope.The upper continental slope, which is above the slope equilibrium profile, is dominated by erosion and slumping.Slides, slumps and erosional channels are located within the continental slope. The intraslope basin is located below the slope equilibrium profile and is potential accommodation space where sediments Sponsored by gravity flows could be deposited, forming lobe aprons .Under the influence of gravity flow supply, gra vity flow duration, continental slope topography, equilibrium profile, and accommodation, a slump-erosional channel-lobe depositional system is developed in the Quaternary continental slope in the Baiyun Sag. The deep-water gravity flow depositional process and the distribution of gravity flow sediments are greatly influenced by the continental slope topography, while the continental slope topography at the same time is reshaped by deep-water gravity flow depositional process and its products. The study of the interplay between the continental slope and gravity flow is helpful in predicting the distribution of the deep-water gravity flow sediments and the variation of sediment quality.
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