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目的 探讨CD44V6(CD44splicevariantV6)和E CD (E cadherin)表达与胃癌发生发展的关系 ,评价CD44V6和E CD在胃癌诊断、浸润转移潜能及预后判断中的作用。方法 采用SP免疫组化染色方法 ,检测 2 0例正常胃粘膜上皮 ,43例异型增生和 10 1例胃癌组织的CD44V6和E CD的表达情况。结果 正常胃粘膜CD44V6呈阴性表达 ,异型增生粘膜CD44V6阳性表达率为 30 % (13/4 3) ,胃癌阳性率为 74% (75 /10 1) ,胃癌CD44V6表达阳性率及阳性强度均显著高于异型增生 (P <0 0 5 ) ,CD44V6表达强度与胃癌浸润型生长、淋巴结转移、脉管浸润、浸润深度密切相关 (P <0 0 5 ) ,胃癌Ⅰ、Ⅱ期表达强度低于Ⅲ、Ⅳ期 (P <0 0 5 ) ,CD44V6强阳性者 1、3、5年生存率分别为 71% (17/2 4)、46 % (11/2 4)和 42 % (10 /2 4) ,显著低于弱阳性或阴性表达 ;正常胃粘膜和异型增生组织E CD呈强阳性表达 ,88 1% (89/10 1)的胃癌组织E CD表达减弱 ,E CD表达减弱与胃癌细胞分化差、浸润型生长显著相关 (P <0 0 5 )。E CD表达正常的胃癌病人术后 3、5年生存率显著高于减弱者 (P <0 0 5 ) ;CD44V6表达与E CD表达无显著相关性 (P >0 0 5 )。结论 CD44V6和E CD表达与胃癌发生发展密切相关 ,检测CD44V6和E CD表达有助于胃癌的早期诊断和转? Objective To investigate the relationship between the expression of CD44V6 (E44) and E cadherin (E CD44V6) and gastric carcinogenesis and to evaluate the role of CD44V6 and E CD in the diagnosis, metastasis potential and prognosis of gastric cancer. Methods SP immunohistochemical staining was used to detect the expression of CD44V6 and E CD in 20 normal gastric epithelium, 43 dysplastic and 101 gastric cancer tissues. Results The positive expression rate of CD44V6 in normal gastric mucosa was 30% (13/43), while the positive rate of gastric cancer was 74% (75/101). The positive rate and positive intensity of CD44V6 in gastric mucosa were significantly higher In dysplasia (P <0.05), the expression of CD44V6 was closely related to the invasive growth, lymph node metastasis, vascular invasion and infiltration depth in gastric cancer (P <0.05) The 1, 3, 5-year survival rates of patients with strong positive for CD44V6 were 71% (17/2 4), 46% (11/2 4) and 42% (10/2 4) respectively in stage Ⅳ (P 0 05) , Which was significantly lower than that of weakly positive or negative expression. ECD expression in normal gastric mucosa and dysplasia tissues was strongly positive. The expression of E CD in 88 1% (89/10 1) gastric cancers was weakened. , Invasive growth was significantly correlated (P <0 05). The 3-year and 5-year survival rates of patients with normal gastric cancer with E-CD expression were significantly higher than those with weakened (P <0.05). There was no significant correlation between CD44V6 expression and E-CD expression (P> 0.05). Conclusion The expressions of CD44V6 and E CD are closely related to the occurrence and development of gastric cancer. Detecting the expression of CD44V6 and E CD contributes to the early diagnosis and metastasis of gastric cancer.
目的 探讨血清肝癌特异性γ-谷氨酰转移酶(GGT)浓度在肝癌诊断与鉴别中的临床价值.方法 定量检测了肝癌、慢性肝病和肝外肿瘤患者血清中肝癌特异性GGT区带(HSB)活性,并同时检测谷胱苷肽-S-转换酶(GSTs)和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)浓度 ,以比较分析它们在肝癌诊断与鉴别中的临床意义.结果 肝癌组HSB和GST s浓度均明显高于慢性肝病和肝外肿瘤组(P<0.001).TNF-α浓度肝癌组
例 1 男 ,19岁。因右眼视力下降 1年伴眼球突出半年于 1990年 9月入院。查体 :右眼球明显外突伴外展神经麻痹 ,右眼底视乳头原发性萎缩 ,视力指动 ,左眼视力正常 ,右眼底视
目的 探讨肝癌患者外周血癌细胞表达AFPmRNA的临床意义。方法 采用NestedRT PCR检测外周血中癌细胞表达的AFPmRNA。结果 原发性肝癌患者 45例 ,AFPmRNA阳性率76 % (34 / 4