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经济一体化浪潮席卷全球,特别是随着加入世贸组织,给我国发展外向型经济带来了新的机遇。福建是沿海开放省份,对外开放度高,全省出口总值约占GDP比重的1/4,外商投资占总投资比重的1/5。发展外向型经济对加速福建经济建设步伐,做大全省GDP总量,实现全省第七次党代会提出的超前三 The tide of economic integration swept the world, and especially with accession to the WTO, it has brought new opportunities for our country’s development of an outward-oriented economy. Fujian is an open coastal province with a high degree of opening up to the outside world, with the province’s total export value accounting for about one quarter of GDP and foreign investment accounting for one fifth of the total investment. Developing an Export-oriented Economy To accelerate the pace of Fujian’s economic construction and increase the total GDP of the entire province, the province’s seventh leading party congress proposed the advanced three
Amorphous Al_(80)Fe_(20) powder which can hardly be obtained using conventional rapid quenchingtechnique was directly prepared from crystalline Fe and A1 powde
5月8日,澳大利亚泳坛传奇人物丹尼尔·考沃斯基在墨尔本宣布,他将收起泳衣和泳镜,在27岁时结束自己的游泳生涯、那是怎样的一段经历啊! On May 8, Australian swimmer Daniel
Leisure or闲(xián)is increasingly a luxury in modern China,especially for those trapped in the rat race of the first and second-tier cties.The country’s rapid
提出了一种改进基因算法,其算法参数设置十分简便,并在水库计算中得到成功应用.该法也可用于优化其它工程模型. An improved genetic algorithm is proposed, whose parameter s
P21 WAF1/CIP1 是细胞周期负性调控因子,其功能丧失可导致细胞增殖失控,发生肿瘤,根据机制不同,P21 WAF1/CIP1 转录调节分为依赖P53或不依赖P53两条途径 [1~6] ,我们采用免疫组化方法检测壶腹癌中P21 WAF1/CIP1 和P53蛋白的表达,以探讨他们在壶腹癌发生中的细胞调控机制及其关系。
冬泳 ,被人们称为勇敢者的运动 ,是一项挑战大自然又挑战自我的特殊运动。冬泳虽然艰苦 ,但苦中有乐 ,乐大于苦。首先 ,冬泳显然可健身和防病治病 ,曾记得 ,60年代我上大学时患